The laboratories constitute the research potential of University of Paris-Saclay. They cover all scientific disciplines that mobilize over 15,000 scientists, researchers, and PhD teachers. These teams are working together on internationally recognized interdisciplinary projects.
Data is extracted from the Bibliolabs website.
Laboratoire Physiopathologie et pharmacologie clinique de la douleur (LPPD)
The LPPCD focuses on the mechanisms of hyperalgesia and allodynia in humans, that is, on neurological phenomena...
Laboratoire Professions, Institutions, Temporalités (PRINTEMPS)
Created in 1995, the laboratory PRINTEMPS (Professions, Institutions, Temporalities) is a mixed research unit consisting...
Laboratoire Universitaire de Recherche en Production Automatisée (LURPA)
The research carried out at LURPA is focused on the safe command of systems involving discrete events, product creation...
Lipides : systèmes analytiques et biologiques (Lip(Sys)²)
The Lip(Sys)² is a research unit at the interface between biology, analytical chemistry and biochemistry that seeks to...
Maison de la Simulation - DRF (MdlS)
Maison de la Simulation is at the crossroads between five academic partners (CEA, CNRS, INRIA, Universite Paris-Sud and...
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris-Saclay (MSH Paris-Saclay)
The MSH Paris-Saclay is a CNRS research unit positioned at the heart of the University Paris Saclay. The MSH Paris...
Matériaux et santé (MS)
The MS lab is a research unit from Université Paris Sud which mainly focuses on the aging of pharmaceutical materials...