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Maison de la Simulation - DRF (MdlS)

Laboratory presentation

Maison de la Simulation is at the crossroads between five academic partners (CEA, CNRS, INRIA, Universite Paris-Sud and Universite Versailles St Quentin) and its goal is to stimulate and support scientific communities so that they get the most out of supercalculators. Such machines make great scientific advances possible, but they also allow greater industrial competitivity.

The 20 latest publications

Title Authors Publication date Source
A multi-GPU implementation of Real-Time Time-Dependent Auxiliary Density Functional Theory for the investigation of nanosystems irradiations Pablo Antonio Martínez, Theresa Vock, Liliane Racha Kharchi, Karim Hasnaoui 02/01/24 Computer Physics Communications
SO<inf>2</inf>, silicate clouds, but no CH<inf>4</inf> detected in a warm Neptune Christophe Cossou, René Gastaud 01/04/24 Nature
A Performance Comparison of Classical Volume and New Substructured One- and Two-Level Schwarz Methods in PETSc Serge Van Criekingen 01/01/24 Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
Spectral Q1-Based Coarse Spaces for Schwarz Methods Serge Van Criekingen 01/01/24 Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering
Recasting an operator splitting solver into a standard finite volume flux-based algorithm. The case of a Lagrange-projection-type method for gas dynamics Rémi Bourgeois, P. Tremblin, T. Padioleau 01/01/24 Journal of Computational Physics
ATMOSPHERIX: I- an open source high-resolution transmission spectroscopy pipeline for exoplanets atmospheres with SPIRou P. Tremblin 01/01/24 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
ATMOSPHERIX: II- Characterizing exoplanet atmospheres through transmission spectroscopy with SPIRou Lucas Teinturier, P. Tremblin 01/01/24 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
A JWST Survey for Planetary Mass Brown Dwarfs in IC 348 P. Tremblin 01/01/24 Astronomical Journal
JWST/NIRSpec Observations of the Coldest Known Brown Dwarf P. Tremblin 01/01/24 Astronomical Journal
The First Y Dwarf Data from JWST Show that Dynamic and Diabatic Processes Regulate Cold Brown Dwarf Atmospheres P. Tremblin 12/01/23 Astrophysical Journal
Dask-Extended External Tasks for HPC/ML In transit Workflows Julien Bigot 11/12/23 ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Characterizing the Atmospheric Dynamics of HD 209458b-like Hot Jupiters Using AI-driven Image Recognition/Categorization S. Donfack 11/01/23 Astrophysical Journal
Dielectric response of confined water films from a classical density functional theory perspective Daniel Borgis 09/08/23 Chemical Science
Evidence of radius inflation in radiative GCM models of WASP-76b due to the advection of potential temperature P. Tremblin 09/01/23 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Current status of deMon2k for the investigation of the early stages of matter irradiation by time-dependent DFT approaches Karim Hasnaoui 09/01/23 European Physical Journal: Special Topics
Emission line variability of young 10-30 M<inf>Jup</inf> companions: I. The case of GQ Lup b and GSC 06214-00210 b P. Tremblin 08/01/23 Astronomy and Astrophysics
Exploring the Extremes: Characterizing a New Population of Old and Cold Brown Dwarfs P. Tremblin 08/01/23 Astronomical Journal
The effect of a small amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere of ultrahot magma-ocean planets: Atmospheric composition and escape P. Tremblin 06/01/23 Astronomy and Astrophysics
JWST/NIRSpec Observations of the Planetary Mass Companion TWA 27B P. Tremblin 06/01/23 Astrophysical Journal Letters
Photochemically produced SO<inf>2</inf> in the atmosphere of WASP-39b P. Tremblin, P. O. Lagage 05/18/23 Nature

Number of publications of the laboratory by scientific field (2016-2021)

Every paper can be classified in one or more scientific fields. The figure below shows the lab's number of publications in each scientific field, according to the ASJC classification (Elsevier)