Digital services
Université Paris-Saclay provides everyone with a digital environment and tools for studying and working: individual messaging, WiFi access available on all campuses, computer rooms with controlled access and free access, an online educational platform and many other digital services.
You must activate your IT account to make use of these services.
With the creation of your IT account, you will have an email address which is valid for your entire time at the University.
The address will be: name.surname@universite-paris-saclay.fr.
The university provides you with a comprehensive email platform to check your emails, which includes services for:
- Messaging with file sharing
- Shareable planner with resource reservation
- Management of contacts with address book sharing
- Task management with reminders
- Sharing of documents
- Instant messaging (chat), etc.
All these services can be accessed from any workstation or mobile phone using automatic syncing.
The Adonis directory is the University's unique repository of digital identities. In addition to the directory functions that allow you to find the contact details of a person, a building, a course or a centre of interest, you can also use it to redirect your email address, manage your password or change the display preferences of your personal information.
Two Wi-Fi networks are available across all the University’s sites and if you are in any of the Renater federation’s member universities and research institutions. You can connect to the site's Wi-Fi network using your institutional identifiers.
- An access service via the secure eduroam network across all the University’s sites (also national, European and much of the world). The access requires prior configuration but the level of security (secure encrypted access) is higher than that of eduspot. Therefore it is better to use eduroam.
- An access service via the eduspot network across all the University’s sites (also in most French universities and research institutions). This access does not require any prior configuration but is less secure than eduroam.
The University provides free access to the Microsoft Office 365 platform from your personal computers/tablets/phones. This platform allows tools from the traditional Microsoft Office suite to be downloaded (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), and also a document storage and sharing service (OneDrive-1To), and a collaborative tool (Teams), among others.
This service is active as long as you are a student at the University.
Use your institutional identifiers (prenom.nom@u-psud.fr + password) to activate this service on http://portal.office.com
Support Forum: https://answers.microsoft.com/fr-fr
Office 365 Support : https://support.office.com/
This shared online educational platform is dedicated to the students and teachers of the University. You can have access to the resources, courses and activities put online by your lecturers from any workstation connected to the Internet, either synchronously or asynchronously.
Access : https://ecampus.paris-saclay.fr/
The university offers many other digital services (centralized printing, website hosting, collaborative tools etc.). You will find them on the portal. You will also find on the portal news and information about the institution.
Material aid
Aide Matérielle et Informatique Individuelle - AMII (individual material and computing aid)
Université Paris-Saclay offers financial help to students to support them in their course within one of its university faculties.
More information and conditions