Scholarships and financial aid
Université Paris-Saclay offers you access to the Klaro partner platform.
More than 1,500 aids (financial aid, benefits, grants, scholarships, food aid, transport aid, housing aid, specific student aid and university aid) from your university and also from local and national schemes are referenced and updated daily by the Klaro team.
In a few clicks, discover aids to which you are entitled according to your profile and let yourself be guided in your steps to obtain this aid.
To start :
- Click on the link above
- Create your account using your institutional email address
- In a few clicks discover your aids
- Let yourself be guided from start to end to complete your procedures
- Access the aid you can claim
Student wellbeing and financial aid : our guide
Annual Scholarships
Scholarships based on social criteria
Scholarships are granted by the CROUS for one year. Please note: Renewals are not automatic! Every year, students need to apply for scholarships between January and May by logging in online at:
In order to receive scholarship payments, students must attend classes and examinations. The criteria taken into account can be consulted on the website…
Handinamique scholarships to help young people with disabilities succeed
To encourage students to continue their studies after the final year of secondary school, this scholarship programme is aimed at students with disabilities. More information:
Social and financial aid
Aide Sociale Individuelle de l’Université - ASIU (individual social assistance from the University)
The A.S.I.U. provides personalised financial help to students experiencing difficulties. The aid is granted depending on the emergency situation experienced by the student. It may concern rent or current expenses.
For who? Any Université Paris-Saclay students enrolled in academic studies at one of the university faculties, and who are under 35 years old.
It is part of a global action policy (social and educational) and provides personalised financial help to the students of Université Paris-Saclay who are experiencing difficulties.
All requests are exclusively dealt with by a CROUS social worker / administration department: +33 (0)01 69 15 70 64. See contact details at the bottom of the page.
Specific CROUS grants for students under 35 years old experiencing particular difficulties
There are 2 different types:
- either a one-off grant for students who are temporarily experiencing serious difficulties (…)
- or an annual allowance granted to students who are experiencing long-term difficulties. (for French students only) (…)
The age limit is 35 years old, including students who have resumed their studies.
Accommodation grants
- The ALS, Allocation Logement à caractère Social (social accommodation grant), is for all students. It is calculated according to your financial resources.
- The APL, Aide Personnalisée au Logement (personal housing allowance), is for students living in accommodation for which an agreement has been signed between the landlord and the CAF. HLM social housing is included in this. The APL is calculated based on family financial resources and the price of your rent. The amount is then deducted from the rent and paid to the landlord or the tenant. Find out more from the Caisse d'Allocation Familiale (benefits office) in the département where you live.
Carry out a simulation:…
- Visale, a rental deposit allowing students with an income, but without a personal guarantor, to access accommodation more easily: to find out more, please go to the Accommodation page.
See if you’re eligible:
Allowances for diversity in the Public Service
Designed to provide financial support to the most deserving applicants to prepare for certain Public Service competitive examinations. It is granted with regard to resources and merit, and is managed by the Île de France Region Prefecture. One campaign per year / application to be submitted by 23 September 2020 at the latest.…
Material aid
Aide Matérielle et Informatique Individuelle - AMII (individual material and computing aid)
Université Paris-Saclay offers financial help to students to support them in their course within one of its university faculties. The AMII committee meets once a month to study the applications. This grant is attributed based on financial resources. Students may receive a grant of €350 for a computer, €150 for a tablet and €50 for Internet access.
For the year 2019/2020, 507 students received this financial aid, 232 of which during the health crisis period. If you would like to apply for this financial aid, you can ask the Direction de la vie étudiante et égalité des chances (Student life and equal opportunities department) or submit your application via the online form.
Contact: Practical life centre and social welfare unit,
Loan of a laptop
The Student Life Department has laptops available to loan. Contact:
Mutual aid amongst students
Agoraé (space for exchange and solidarity consisting of a living space open to all)
To assist students experiencing financial difficulties, the Epicerie Solidaire et Lieu de Vie étudiante ESLV Paris-Saclay association has opened a social and solidarity shop. Located in building 308 (1st floor) of the Orsay university campus, AGORAé sells products at 80-90% cheaper than in normal shops.
Students wishing to access this grocery store can send their application directly by email to the following address :
The file can be downloaded directly from the association's website.
More informations :
Contact of the Service Social du CROUS de Versailles
Social permanence - Spring Break
The social service remains available for emergencies (except weekends and public holidays):
- from April 8 to 12, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on 06 03 60 63 64
- from April 15 to 19, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on 06 10 75 53 83
Versailles Saint Quentin area
Mrs BOUCHAIN and Mrs AZANGUE-BAVOUA, social service assistants, receive you by appointment:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the Maison des Etudiants Marta Pan 1 allée de l’Astronomie 2nd floor office 215 78280 Guyancourt
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday on the Sciences campus in Versailles 145 boulevard Bâtiment Buffon, 78000 Versailles
- Wednesdays at the IUT de Mantes 7 rue Jean Hoët 78200 Mantes-la-Jolie
Make an appointment online:
Select CROUS de Versailles, Theme: Social service, Location: Department of 78
Orsay, Sceaux area
Mmes BAZEBI-NDOUNDOU, BAMANA MADZKO and VITIS-KAHUKULA, social service assistants, receive you by appointment every day:
- At Paris-Saclay University Building 332 – 2nd floor - RER B Station Bures sur Yvette
- At the CROUS reception platform located at Résidence George Sand 16 rue André Blanc Lapierre 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette
Make an appointment online:
Select Versailles CROUS, Theme: Social service, Location: Department of 91 (Orsay and Plateau de Saclay)
Evry area
Mrs BRICOUT, Mrs GALAS and Mrs MARTINEZ-BIDEAU, social service assistants, receive you every day by appointment at
- the CROUS reception platform located at Résidence le Dragueur 4 allée Jean Rostand 91000 Evry - Evry-Courcouronnes train station
Make an appointment online:
Select Versailles CROUS, Theme: Social service, Location: Department of 91 (Evry and municipalities of 91)
Practical life centre and social welfare unit contact
Université Paris-Saclay
Direction de la Vie Étudiante
Bâtiment 311
91405 Orsay Cedex