Themes and organisation

Research policy
Building on the potential of its members and laboratories, the research produced at Université Paris-Saclay forms part of a dynamic centred on key areas, from pure research to applied science and industrial interest.

Lines of research
The major challenges facing our world in the coming decades require policies to be based on scientific research and its subsequent developments and innovations.

Graduate Schools and the Institute
These coordinated teaching and research programmes bring together teams whose activity is organised around a well-defined theme, discipline, or project.

Interdisciplinary Programmes
The aim of interdisciplinary programmes is to carry out collaborative research, training, and innovation between different Graduate Schools, encouraging collaboration on transversal themes.

The laboratories constitute the research potential of Université Paris-Saclay. They cover all scientific disciplines that mobilize over 15,000 scientists, researchers, and PhD teachers.

Core Facilities
Discover the laboratories and facilities, expertises and technologies from every research field, within a single web portal

Designing and prototyping are the two key actions of innovation. They are implemented in FabLabs or Design centers, which provide advice for design and realization and means for prototyping.

Researchers portraits
Find portraits of researchers according to their field of research or by searching them by name.
Interdisciplinary organisations

Experimental and innovative, the Design Spot weaves design into the scientific, technological and entrepreneurial fabric of the Paris-Saclay excellence cluster. The Design Research Centre promotes the execution of research projects seeking to produce both knowledge and practices.

Pascal Institute
An international scientific hub, dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and the development of new ideas.

Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
The Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris-Saclay is a structure for hosting, promoting and disseminating research in the humanities and social sciences within the Paris-Saclay ecosystem.
For any question related to research and its valorization:
To contact the scientific integrity officer: