Legal notice

Website publisher

Université Paris-Saclay
3 rue Joliot Curie
Bâtiment Breguet
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

RSSI : Dominique Lambert 01 69 15 67 37

  • Publisher: Camille Galap, president of Université Paris-Saclay
  • Editorial director: Brand and Communication Office, Université Paris-Saclay

Hosting webserver

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91405 Orsay Cedex

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The website was created and developed by Intuitiv Interactive, 4 Rue de la République, 69001 Lyon, France
The website is maintained by Axess, 8 Avenue de la Gare, 26958 Valence, France


Research and Innovation news, as well as portraits of researchers on the Université Paris-Saclay and Sciences websites, are written by an editorial team comprising both journalists and editors from within the University, as well as external contributors.

Intellectual Property

The Université Paris-Saclay website is a creative work, the exclusive property of Université Paris-Saclay, protected by French and international legislation on intellectual property law. No reproduction or representation may be made in violation of the rights of Université Paris-Saclay under the aforementioned legislation.

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All information on the website is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change. Université Paris-Saclay cannot be held liable for omissions, inaccuracies or deficiencies in updates.

Cookie policy

See the "Cookie policy" page


The website contains several hyperlinks to other websites, used with the authorisation of Université Paris-Saclay. However, Université Paris-Saclay is not able to verify the content of websites visited in this way, and consequently assumes no liability in this respect.

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In the event of an error or omission in the credit display, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

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Université Paris-Saclay may amend the legal notice at any time without prior notice.