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Born of the combined will of universities, grandes écoles and research organizations, the Université Paris-Saclay is one of the leading European and world universities, covering the sectors of Science and Engineering, Life Sciences and Health, and Humanities and Social Sciences. Its scientific policy closely links research and innovation, and is expressed in both fundamental and applied sciences to meet the major challenges facing society. Université Paris-Saclay was officially created on november 5, 2019, following the publication of the decree of creation in France’s Journal officiel.


Camille Galap was elected president of Université Paris-Saclay on 14 June 2024.

The governing bodies of the university

The Governing Board of Paris-Saclay University defines the policy set forth by Paris-Saclay University, elects its President and approves the strategic plan, as well as the organization and operation of Paris-Saclay University. The Academic Council, sitting in plenary session, is the university's advisory board.

Composition of the Governing Board (in french)

Composition of the Academic Council (in french)

About Université Paris-Saclay

Université Paris-Saclay is one of the leading European and world universities, covering the sectors of Science and Engineering, Life Sciences and Health, and Humanities and Social Sciences.

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Camille Galap, president of Université Paris-Saclay

With a PhD in biology from the Université du Havre, Camille Galap worked as a lecturer before becoming a professor in 2012. He was vice-president of the Council of Studies and University Life (CEVU) from 2000 to 2005 and was elected president of the Université du Havre where he served two terms between 2005 and 2012. During this time, he was also vice-president of the Conference for University Presidents (CPU) - now known as France Universités, where he chaired the Student Life and Social Affairs Commission from 2007 to 2012. At the end of his time as university president, he became deputy head of the École supérieure de l'éducation nationale (ESENESR - known today as IH2EF) at Futuroscope in Poitiers, and later director of the CNED site (Centre national de l'enseignement à distance) in Rouen.

From 2015 to 2018, he was Chief Education Officer of the Guadeloupe regional academic authority, and then director of Guadeloupe Formation, a public industrial and commercial institution, responsible for professional training and orientation. At the end of 2019, he became an advisor to sites and institutions of the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research. Camille Galap was previously a provisional administrator at Université Jean Monnet at Saint Étienne from February to May 2021, and at ENS Paris-Saclay from July to December 2022. He was appointed provisional administrator of Université Paris-Saclay on 2 March 2024, by decree by the rector delegate (the French equivalent of a regional Chief Education Officer) for higher education and research in the Île-de-France area, until 23 May 2024.


As of 1st January 2020, Paris-Saclay University replaces Paris-XI-SUD University and the community of universities and institutions "Université Paris-Saclay", and integrates, as component-institutions which retain their legal personality, under the conditions specified in its statutes, the Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences (AgroParisTech), “CentraleSupélec”, the “Ecole normale supérieure Paris-Saclay” and the “Institut d'Optique Graduate School”. It also integrates the Institut des hautes études scientifiques, a recognised non-profit research organisation.

It includes the Universities of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Evry-Val-d'Essonne as member-associated universities by convention. These participate in its governance within the perspective of a merger.

CEA, CNRS, INRAE, Inria, Inserm and ONERA confirm their strengthened partnership with the new university. The scientific perimeter integrates the laboratories of the national research organisations located within the perimeter of Paris-Saclay University, listed by convention. The national research organisations are involved in the governance of the university.

The new university is established on the basis of the Order No. 2018-1131 of 12 December, 2018. With a commitment to integration expressed in its acts and statutes, the Paris-Saclay University wishes to become a university with solid international influence while being rooted in its territory. It is profoundly transforming the landscape of French higher education and research by intensifying a policy of training, research and innovation open to the world.

Sylvie Retailleau

Sylvie Retailleau, currently Minister of Higher Education and Research of the French government, was the first president of Université Paris-Saclay (2 March 2020 - 20 May 2022).