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Laboratoire Professions, Institutions, Temporalités (PRINTEMPS)

Laboratory presentation

Created in 1995, the laboratory PRINTEMPS (Professions, Institutions, Temporalities) is a mixed research unit consisting of two guardianships the UVSQ and the CNRS. The laboratory team is made up of sociologists, political scientists and demographers who use various methodologies (quantitative and qualitative).
The research carried out within the PRINTEMPS laboratory favors two major themes:
- Professional worlds: commitments, knowledge, expertise
- Careers and temporalities: socialization and trajectories

The 20 latest publications

Title Authors Publication date Source
Optimal traffic-free departure forecast Yoann Demoli 02/19/24 Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering
CSE: DES ORIGINES ET DES PERSPECTIVES HÉTÉROGÈNES Odile Join-Lambert 02/14/24 Entreprises et Histoire
Using Total Cohort Fertility in Adolescence (TCFA) to analyse adolescent fertility trends and factors in Niger: Evidence from 1992 to 2012 demographic and health surveys Adama Ouedraogo 01/01/24 African Journal of Reproductive Health
Alice Romerio, Le travail féministe. Le militantisme au Planning familial à l’épreuve de sa professionnalisation Matthieu Hély 10/01/23 Sociologie du Travail
Digitalisation, Safety and Privacy Olivier Guillaume 01/01/23 SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
Science and society in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic: Research on the natural origins of SARS-CoV-2 Morgan Jouvenet 01/01/23 Natures Sciences Societes
Five senses at work: Introduction Laure de Verdalle 01/01/23 Sociologie du Travail
Lise Conté (dir.), Une sociologie pour l'action. Itinéraire et héritages de Jean-Daniel Reynaud Élodie Béthoux 10/01/22 Sociologie du Travail
Thomas Reverdy, Antimanuel de management de projet. Composer avec les incertitudes Jérôme Cihuelo 10/01/22 Sociologie du Travail
Laura Ruiz de Elvira et Sahar Aurore Saeidnia (dir.) Les mondes de la bien-faisance: les pratiques du bien au prisme des sciences sociales Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2021, 407 pages. Matthieu Hély 01/01/22 Critique Internationale
Small Arrangements with the Law. On the Wage Relationship in Intermediated Employment François Sarfati 01/01/22 Droit et Societe
Julie SEDEL, Dirigeants de médias. Sociologie d’un groupe patronal. Rennes, PUR, 2021, 274 p Ivan Chupin 01/01/22 Reseaux
Bernard de Raymond (Antoine), Thivet (Delphine), dir. – Un monde sans faim. – Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2021. 304 p. Lise Cornilleau 01/01/22 Revue Francaise de Science Politique
Work and recognition from a social utility perspective. Introduction Odile Join-Lambert, Laure de Verdalle 01/01/22 Sociologie du Travail
The policy of combating the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Between federalism and centralization Patrick Hassenteufel 10/12/21 Tribunes de la Sante
LEIBNIZ’ MILITARY CONCEPTION OF SOVEREIGNTY Laurynas Adomaitis 05/01/23 History of Political Thought
Determining the location of protected areas in France: Does “scientific interest” matter? Cécile Blatrix 07/01/21 Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation
LEIBNIZ’ MILITARY CONCEPTION OF SOVEREIGNTY Laurynas Adomaitis 05/01/23 History of Political Thought
How to mobilise isolated workers? The case of cleaning ladies Camille Peugny 04/01/21 Sociologie du Travail

Number of publications of the laboratory by scientific field (2016-2021)

Every paper can be classified in one or more scientific fields. The figure below shows the lab's number of publications in each scientific field, according to the ASJC classification (Elsevier)