Life sciences and health

In order to apply to one of the programmes of the master, please select the programme you are interested in under the "Year 1 & 2 Master's programmes" tab.

Learning outcome targets

Students with the Master's degree Biologie-Santé / Life Sciences and Health from the Université Paris-Saclay master the principles of biology from the level of the molecule right up to the whole organism. They have both theoretical and practical expertise in a defined field of research in biology and health. They are capable of planning an original research project and conducting it independently from an experimental perspective.
• Knowledge (Learning):
- Fundamental mechanisms of living organisms at different levels: gene, genome, cell, tissue, organism
- Common approaches to genomics, genetics, cell biology, cell signalling and biochemistry.
- Methodological approach to scientific publications
- Concepts and experimental approaches in a specialised (defined by choice of M2), core, targeted, applied or medical field in Health Biology.
• Capabilities (Skills):
- Formulate a scientific question
- Propose a scientific approach to deal with an issue to do with biology and health.
- Write according to the academic standard in science.
- Carry out experiments independently.
- Interpret, discuss and communicate scientific results in written and oral form
• Expertise:
- Work independently on the critical analysis of scientific literature and the state of the art summary on a well-defined issue.
- Determine vital issues in biology and health.
- Conduct a scientific study: formulate hypotheses and develop strategies to test them.
The varied nature of M2 allows each student to specialise in one of the main areas of contemporary research in Biology and Health, whether core, targeted or medical.
Three international courses taught in English are available from M1 for both international and French students:
- M1 Life Sciences and Health International Track in France in preparation for the six M2s taught in English
- M1+M2 French-Chinese Biotherapies
- M1+M2 Infectiology as a dual degree with the University of Health Sciences (Phnom Penh) in association with the Pasteur Institute in Cambodia.

Post-graduate profile

Fields of activity:
Fundamental research, medical and biomedical research, oncology, Immunology, Pharmacology, biotechnologies, hospital practice, pharmaceutical industry.
Types of jobs available:
Study engineer or research engineer in public research organisations
Executive position in the pharmaceutical industry
Executive position in biotechnology companies
After a doctoral programme following the master:
Researcher or university lecturer
As part of a dual qualification:
Practising physician (MCU-PH, PU-PH, PH)
Pharmacist, hospital practitioner in biology or hospital pharmacy.

Transfer paths

All students acquire the same knowledge base and methodology. Starting the choice of a thematic platform as a major, every student has access to at least two M2s. As the opening teaching units are all included in the other platforms, the course offers openings into M2s other than those directly linked to its main platform. The M2s are all accessible via several platforms.

Academic partnerships

Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Maisons Alfort
Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Ulm
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l'Environnement et l'Agriculture
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Université de Bourgogne
Université de Franche-Comté
Université de Lille
Université de Paris
Université Paris Est Créteil
Université Paris XIII


For English-speaking international students: You may apply to the Life Sciences and Health International track if you graduate with a Bachelor degree, major in Biology, before Sept 1st of the academic year for which you apply.

Skills required within the Field of Study :
    C1. Communicate and discuss concepts and data in a clear written and verbal form which is appropriate to the audience.

    C2. Use specialist subject knowledge in one field and at the interface of several fields by utilising associated methodologies;

    C3. Develop own learning and ability to self-learn.

    C4. Workplace skills: teamwork and individual work.

    C5. Conduct a scientific study, develop innovative ideas and manage a project.

    C6. Demonstrate a critical attitude towards scientific literature in biology and at the interface of several fields.

Liste M1 et M2