This curriculum is based on recent advances in genetics, genomics, cell biology and microbial physiology to provide multidisciplinary training for research and through research. It is possible to study by targeted, global and/or genetic engineering approaches on molecular, cellular or integrated analytical scales (microbial communities, host organisms). Fundamental Microbiology covers a wide range of topics in order to understand and control the immense variety of microbial processes.
Main job opportunities: Experimental research in the academic or private sector in a variety of laboratories (Paris-Saclay, Institut Pasteur, Institut Jacques Monod), in France or abroad.
Other job opportunities: Biotechnology research and development, teaching, scientific watch, scientific communication. Students can attend complementary programs (HEC or ESSEC, IT, corporate management, marketing)
The thesis continuation rate of M2 Microbiology graduate students is more than 70% (calculations based on 4 promotions / 2016-2019). About 10% of graduates enter the socio-economic world at Bac+5 (employment as study engineers or associate teachers or communication officers in a research institute) and about 20% pursue their studies, particularly in the medical field.
Course Prerequisites
This course is aimed at students who have acquired M1-level skills in genetics and molecular biology, and theoretical and/or experimental knowledge in the field of Microbiology. As an example, we advise M1 Biology-Health students to complement their core study path with the Genetics and Microbial Physiology module (which gives them accredited skills in the areas of genetics, genomics and cell biology, amongst others). Depending on the direction students wish to take in their M2 study path, it may be worth taking a module in Virology at M1 level.
Acquire a knowledge-base on the diversity of the microbial world and the genetics, genomics and biology of the microbial cell (from molecular interactions to cell interactions).
Develop experimental skills and learn specialised and general approaches in the field of Microbiology (for example designing experiments, cloning, microbial culture, extraction and quantitative analyses of nucleic acids or proteins, analysis and representation of data sets).
Develop basic data manipulation skills (level: introduction to R software).
Communicate in English in a scientific context (understand seminars, receive instructions, present experiment results, ask questions and answer questions in English).
Carry out a scientific project entirely independently and be able to communicate a critical analysis of the results, orally and in writing, while adhering to international standards in the field of Microbiology.
Develop the ability to work in a team in bibliographic projects and experiments related to Microbiology.
Post-graduate profile
The proportion of students who start a thesis after graduating from the Microbiology M2 is over 70 % (calculations based on 4 graduation years / 2016-2019). Around 10 % of graduates enter the socio-economic world at Master's (Bac+5) level (working as study engineers, associate teachers or communication managers in research institutes), while around 20 % pursue their studies, particularly in the medical field.
Career prospects
Main opening: Experimental research in the academic or private sector in numerous laboratories (Paris Saclay, Institut Pasteur, Institut Jacques Monod) in the region or abroad.
Other openings: R&D in the biotechnology sector, education, tracking scientific developments, Scientific communication.
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell - DRF/JOLIOT
MICrobiologie de l'ALImentation au Service de la Santé Humaine
Laboratoire de biologie et pharmacologie appliquée.
IDEEV, Institut de Biologie de l'École Normale Supérieure (pour l'UE "Frontiers in Microbial Systems").
Deux groupes d'UE : 1 groupe d'UE obligatoires, 1 groupe d'UE optionnelles.
Cellular innovations and synthetic microbiology concepts
Language(s) of instruction :
Détail du volume horaire :
Lecture :20
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :Rossier Ombeline
Pedagogical team :
Ombeline Rossier (UPSay, I2BC), Philippe Bouloc (CNRS, I2BC) and invited speakers.
Procedure and organisation :
Students will be evaluated on the synthetic biology project they will develop (10-15 min oral + written report). The project will be evaluated on its originality, coherence/relevance, feasibility and state of the art in the scientific context chosen bu the students.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit aims to highlight recent advances in the field of synthetic microbiology, including cellular innovations. Through examples of fundamental and applied projects, the conferences will illustrate how and why synthetic biology approaches can contribute to the acquisition of basic knowledge in microbiology and to the rationalization of the design of microbial strains with increased efficacy and/or safety properties. Conferences on history and ethics surrounding this field will address the question of the positioning of synthetic biology in society and in the evolution of Research.
Fabrice Confalonieri (PU UPSay), Stéphanie Bury-Moné (PU UPSay), and invited speakers according to the selected research topics.
Procedure and organisation :
Conferences by specialists. Round table with students.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit aims to highlight recent advances in functional genomics, including big Data in Biology. The
speakers, specialists in this field of research, will present the most recent scientific data relating to comparative
genomics, metagenomics, (meta)transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, the analysis of interactomes and
applications in medicine. Another objective of this teaching unit is to connect scientific questions asked and the
best method(s) to use to reach the goals. Round tables, between students and researchers, will be organized to
discuss the impact of the knowledge acquired through global approaches on new emerging concepts related to the
gene and to pervasive transcription. Students will also present their own review of a theme they will choose during
a one-day mini-symposium.
Day 1
-Presentation of the softwares RStudio and R
-R programming (Part 1)
-Practical training
-Biological datasets to be use in the project
Day 2
-Self-assessment test
-R programming (Part 2)
-Initiation to clustering algorithms
-Challenges of the project
-First R script to solve the project
Day 3
-Self-assessment test
-R programming (Partie 3)
-Change R script in functions
Day 4
-Student personal work
Day 5
-Project feedback from the teacher
-Final exam (with computers and notes)
-To go further ?
Session 1 session 2 : Project 50%, Final exam 50%.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
During this class, the students will learn how to use the R software, to analyse a biological dataset arising from high throughput experimental methodologies (transcriptomics). Teaching days will be divided into activities relying on:
-Formal lectures
-Practical training
-Live programming
-Pair programming
Self-assessment tests will be proposed to students each day, and programming skills will be applied in a project, evaluated at the end of the week. This project consists of identifying, without any a priori, groups of co-expressed genes. They will be represented graphically with heatmaps.
Session 1 et session 2 : F EE (written examination).
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit highlights different types of possible microbial interactions with other organisms. The relationships of mutualism and parasitism will be exposed through different examples involving bacteria, fungi, micro-algae or protists hosted by plants, animals or even other micro-organisms. The context of interaction between individuals of the same species will be addressed by presenting the molecular mechanisms of microbial communication (quorum-sensing). The modalities of biofilm formation will also be presented.
Supervised studies including internship supervision :5
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :
Pedagogical team :
Lecturers from Paris-Saclay University and invited lecturers.
Procedure and organisation :
Courses and conferences by lecturers specialized in the field, as well as preparation of “mini conferences” by the students themselves.
Students will be evaluated on the presentations they have developed (Oral Exam) as well as on a written test (Written Exam) on one or more topics covered during the conferences. Session 1 and session 2: Final mark 0,5 x OE + 0,5 x WE.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit aims to update students' knowledge on the latest advances in microbial cell biology. This teaching unit will cover cytoskeleton, membrane dynamics, cell cycle, stress response, polarity, differentiation, aging and programmed death of unicellular cells. Other themes are likely to be addressed, depending on current events, some of which are chosen and presented by the students themselves.
Title of educational component in English :
Practical course of integrative microbiology
Détail du volume horaire :
Lecture :10
Directed study :10
Practical class :70
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :Stéphanie Bury-Moné (PU), Olga Soutourina (PU) Stéphanie Bury-Moné (PU), Olga Soutourina (PU)
Pedagogical team :
Olga Soutourina (PU UPSay), Stéphanie Bury-Moné (PU UPSay) and people from the research institutes hosting the practical course.
Procedure and organisation :
Oral examination (x 0.34), report (0.33) and written examination (0.33).
Session 1 0.33 EE [R if mark> 10] + 0.34 EO [R if mark > 10] + 0.33 CCTP [R if mark > 10] (CCTP report)
Session 2 0.33 EE + 0.34 EO + 0.33 CCTP
[R if mark > 10] means that only the examinations (CR, EO or EE) for which the student did not obtain the average in the first session are repeated in the second session.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit aims to familiarize students with the most modern techniques to address a scientific issue in Microbiology. The training is designed to provide students with good technical and scientific expertise in the development of protocols and analysis of the results so as to best prepare them for their integration into the S4 semester. This training will be provided by the staff of one or more research teams from the Paris-Saclay Research Institute hosting the practical course. The backing of this teaching unit to laboratories and themes of Paris-Saclay Research Institutes will allow students to learn the latest techniques and to interact with researchers. The duration of this course will be 3 weeks in a Research Institute of Paris-Saclay.
Prerequisites :
Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology and General Microbiology.
Supervised studies including internship supervision :3
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :
Pedagogical team :
T. Bouchez (Consulting Professor APT), Bize (Research Fellow, INRAe), C. Duquennoi (Research Fellow, INRAe), A. Filali (Research Fellow, INRAe), A. Goubet (Research Fellow, INRAe), L. Mazéas (Resaerch Fellow, INRAe), C. Midoux (Bioinformatics scientist, INRAe).
Procedure and organisation :
Session 1 Session 2 Oral examination.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Learning objectives : To give students an integrated view of bioprocesses (wastewater treatment plant, waste methanizer…) applied into the depollution taking into account the scientific concepts, economic and environmental challenges.
Skills referred : In-depth of knowledge of microbial communities applied to bioprocesses in waste treatment;
Understanding of principles and challenges of biological treatments applied to solid (anaerobic digestion, composting…) and liquid (wastewaster treatment plants).
Content of teaching unit : Introduction of the teaching unit: context of waste treatment;
Biological treatment of effluents: context and challenges;
Anaerobic digestion;
Towards environmental biorefineries;
The waste of the Big Bang of our day;
Ecology of communities in the water treatment plant: protists, floc structure and bioindicator;
Exploitation of microbial functions for the depollution and recovery of wastewater;
Sizing concept and modeling of biological treatment processes;
Meta-omics methods and theirs application for bioprocesses: principles and application;
Understanding and predicting the metabolic activities of microbial communities: thermodynamic approaches;
Deciphering the operation of purification microbial communities: coupling of molecular microbiology and isotope biogeochemistry.
Seminars on the activities carried out at the IRSTEA (National Institute for Research in Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture).
Responsables : Alice Lebreton (CR INRA, ENS), Lionel Navarro (CR CNRS, ENS), Olivier Espéli (DR CNRS, Collège de France), Guy Tran Van Nhieu (DR INSERM, Collège de France)
Equipe pédagogique : Alice Lebreton (CR INRA, ENS), Lionel Navarro (CR CNRS, ENS), Olivier Espéli (DR CNRS, Collège de France), Guy Tran Van Nhieu (DR INSERM, Collège de France), invited lecturers.
Procedure and organisation :
Organization: This one-week course takes place during the first semester. It is divided in four days of lectures and one day of article presentations and lab visits. Lectures are given in English. Slides in .pdf format of each lecture are provided on Intranet.
Evaluation relies on the oral presentation, quality of article analysis, answers to specific questions, and on the student's active participation (questions during lectures and presentations).
Session 1 & session 2 : F EO
Oral examination.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Aims – Introduction to microbial systems and their diversity
Context: The development of diverse and recent approaches (genome wide studies, single cell imaging, biophysics, modelling) has revealed key aspects of microbial biology and ecology, which will be illustrated throughout this course. The program varies every year.
Example of themes: Bacterial cell cycle and development, Microbial systems and communities, Bacterial pathogens and diversion of host innate defenses, Biophysical approaches to bacterial virulence, Bacterial chromatin dynamics, Microbiomes, Environmental microbes & phages, Regulating RNA & with RNA in bacteria, Infectious bacteria
Title of educational component in English :
Initiatition to statistics using R (MOOC)
Détail du volume horaire :
Directed study :2
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :
Procedure and organisation :
Semaine 1
Introduction aux statistiques et à R, description d’une variable
Semaine 2
Intervalles de confiance, association entre variables
Semaine 3
Tests statistiques et pratique des tests
Semaine 4
Régression linéaire simple et multiple, régression logistique
Semaine 5
Données de survie (censurées), méthodes exploratoires multidimensionnelles
Durée : 2 à 4 heures / semaine pendant 5 semaines
Examen final : examen surveillé sur ordinateur.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Le M2 de Microbiologie fondamentale propose aux étudiants de pouvoir valider une formation bioinformatique initiant à la statistique à l’aide du logiciel libre R. Les étudiants peuvent suivre le MOOC gratuitement ( lors de la session de septembre-octobre. Un examen organisé par l’équipe pédagogique du M2 permettra de valider cette formation. Cette UE est proposée en option supplémentaire c’est-à-dire que la note ne rentre pas dans le calcul de la moyenne du M2, mais apparaît dans le supplément au diplôme, donnant la possibilité aux étudiants de valoriser officiellement le suivi de cette formation, et donc une compétence en bioinformatique.
Medico-Pharmaceutical Applications of Microbial Biodiversity
Language(s) of instruction :
Détail du volume horaire :
Lecture :42
Directed study :8
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :
Pedagogical team :
Christophe Sola, Olga Soutourina, Alessia Zamborlini, Florence Doucet-Populaire, Isabelle Turbica, Veronique Esteve-Daix (Sanofi), Michel Huc, Sophie Lefevre, Mathieu Picardeau, Richard Dailly.
Procedure and organisation :
Academic lectures given by experts, conferences given by private-sectors experts, Seminars led by students. Session 1 : F 0.7 EE+0.3 OO - Session 2 : F 1 EE; one third of the final mark is obtained through an oral presentation in English on an analysis of a paper in the field of CRISPR sciences, run in groups of 2 students.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Giving a broad professional and scientific culture of current R&D issues into the biomedical field. Practical applications of current transversal research carried out in microbiology and biotechnologies will be approached, particularly targeting public health research (bacterial diversity at the genome level, CRISPR-Cas systems and their applications, drug-resistance, food-borne and emerging pathogens, biosecurity, biosafety, water microbiology) including for diagnostics & pharmaceutical industries (process and products innovation, methods of analysis, new outlets for biotechnologies, quality, ethical and legal aspects); new strategies for the fight against infectious diseases and new problems in a global and one-health perspective (vaccines, biotechnology-derived medicines). All issues are targeted with an integrative perspective.
Prerequisites :
M1 in microbiology or other Health Sciences.
Bibliographie :
Any Medical, Pharmaceutical or Industrial microbiology articles and books.
Sandra Helinck (MCF APT), S. Layec, S. Landaud (MCF APT), Hervé Blottiere (DR, INRA), F. Fonseca (DR, INRA), Eric Spinnler (PR AgroParisTech).
Procedure and organisation :
Technico-economic presentation of the food sector- Intellectual and industrial property -
Fundamental knowledge on microbial ecology - Gut, microbiote and dysbiosis - Microbiote/host relationship- fonctional Interactomic
Effect of Technology on the sequence of species development in cheese manufacturing with a special care for soft cheeses. White and red wine technology- Microbial processes in wine – Special vinifications- Taints and troubleshooting in wine making. Fermentations of cured meat products. Microbiology in brewery - Food alterations. Flavour biosynthesis by micro-organisms – Starter production and conservation.
Visit of a cheese factory : Graindorge cheese (Livarot, Calvados)
Session1 session 2 EO (oral examination).
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Key-words: Medical microbiology, Vaccine and Drug Industry, Diagnostics Industry, Microbiology and Public Health, Agroindustrial Industry.
Lecturers: Guy Tran Van Nhieu (LBPA ENS Paris-Saclay), Jacqueline Cherfils (LBPA ENS Paris-Saclay), Gérald Peyroche (ENS Paris Saclay), Frédéric Barras (Institut Pasteur Paris), Pierre Genevaux (Toulouse), Olivera Francetic (Institut Pasteur Paris), Françoise Jacob-Dubuisson (Institut Pasteur Lilles), Han Remaut (Bruxelles), Remi Fronzes (Bordeaux), Anastassios Economou (KU Louvain), Pierre-Jean Corringer (Institut Pasteur Paris), Marc Fontecave ( CdF), Lars Malmström (ETH Zürich).
Procedure and organisation :
This module, lasting 32 hours over a week, will alternate morning classes taught in English, with a practical internship in a research laboratory in the afternoon. The audience will be limited to 16 students. The practical training will be done in subgroups in the laboratories of the LBPA ENS Paris-Saclay, other laboratories of the University Paris-Saclay or ENS Ulm. A half-day will be devoted to an oral (project synthesis, article analysis, ..) where students will be evaluated.oral presentation (2/3 of the final grade), practical(1/3 of the final grade).
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Through the progress of structure-function studies based on the resolution of crystalline structures, various electron microscopy techniques, nuclear magnetic resonance, combined with the modeling and reconstruction of complex molecular systems, it has become possible to elucidate Atomic level the functioning of multiprotein assemblages at the heart of processes and understand them in their biological context. An important challenge for tomorrow's research is now to master these data and integrate them in order to identify the molecular mechanisms at the origin of biological functions and diseases.
The aim of the course is to introduce students to a range of multi-scale molecular approaches and their mechanistic integration. The course will present students with models of studies illustrating how this mechanistic vision contributes to major advances in the understanding of complex biological and physiopathological processes. Fundamental processes will be discussed, such as protein secretion, cell motility, or stress adaptation, in relation to pathologies such as infections, cancers or neurodegenerative diseases.
Prerequisites :
Basics levels in biochemistry, molecular biology and microbiology.
Bibliographie :
The articles will be given to the trinomial students at the beginning of the week.
Title of educational component in English :
Scientific project
Détail du volume horaire :
Lecture :3
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :Bury-Moné / Soutourina Stéphanie / Olga
Pedagogical team :
Stéphanie Bury-Moné (PU UPSay) & Olga Soutourina (PU UPSay).
Procedure and organisation :
Session 1 & Session 2 : F 0.5 x report + 0.5 x EO.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The student will carry out an investigation through bibliographic research and interaction with the host team on the research subject that he/she will conduct during his/her M2 internship. This preliminary work will aim to present the scientific context and the issues associated with its research subject as well as the methods that will be implemented to answer the question (s) asked.
Prerequisites :
General Microbiology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry.
Fabrice Confalonieri (PU UPSay), Cécile Fairhead (PU UPSay), and invited speakers according to the selected research topics.
Procedure and organisation :
Conferences by specialists in the field. Students will present a bibliographical analysis on one of the themes
addressed by the speakers.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit consists of scientific lectures/conferences by specialists in the field, about the mechanisms
involved in the stability and evolution of genomes, and the methods to study these topics including : the "3Rs"
(Replication, Recombination and Repair of DNA), the chromosome/nucleoid structure into macro- and microdomains,
programmed mitotic rearrangements and meiotic recombination events, experimental evolution, genetic drift,
selection, speciation, comparison between Neandertal and Homo sapiens sapiens genome...
Prerequisites :
Basic concepts in Genetics, Genomics and Evolution.
Basic knowledge about gene structure and genome organisation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Title of educational component in English :
molecular and cellular virology
Détail du volume horaire :
Lecture :16
Directed study :14
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :
Pedagogical team :
Cécile Lagaudrière-Gesbert, Delphine Sitterlin.
Procedure and organisation :
L’UE se déroulera sur une semaine. Les articles scientifiques à analyser et discuter seront transmis avant le début de l’UE. Chaque demi-journée sera dédiée à un thème et comportera une conférence, suivie d’une présentation en binôme ou trinôme. Les étudiants seront évalués sur cette présentation et la discussion qui en découlera.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
L’objectif de cette unité d’enseignement est de fournir une connaissance détaillée des mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires qui régissent les cycles infectieux de virus infectant les mammifères. Un cycle de conférences dispensées par des chercheurs spécialistes du domaine portera sur les interactions virus-hôtes :
-Structure et Fonctionnement des glycoprotéines de fusion virales
-Mécanismes d’entrée des virus dans les cellules cibles
-Structure et assemblage des virus
-Détournement de la machinerie cellulaire au profit de l’expression et de la réplication des génomes viraux : Structure-fonction des polymérases virales (exemple : polymérase des virus influenza) ; Détournement des mécanismes de traduction par les virus
-virus et immunité : Mécanismes d’échappement à la réponse Interféron
-propagation des virus au sein de l’hôte : mécanismes de franchissement des barrières naturelles
Une lecture critique d’articles de recherche sera demandée aux participants. Les exposés conduiront à des discussions sur des thématiques de recherche actuelles. Ces séances seront animées par les conférenciers invités, chercheurs en virologie dans le périmètre de Paris-Saclay et de l’Ile de France.
Prerequisites :
Les enseignements généraux suivis en première année de master de biologie sont suffisants pour suivre cette formation. Néanmoins, de bonnes connaissances de bases en biologie moléculaire et biochimie structurale sont un atout.
Report and oral presentation evaluation - Session 1 and Session 2 : F 0.4 x report + 0.6 x EO.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The laboratory internship corresponds to a qualifying training through a 6-month research activity in a field related to Microbiology. It allows the student to be trained in experimental techniques but also in project writing and oral scientific communication. The M2 supervisors identify internship proposals with all the support laboratories attached in particular to the Paris-Saclay research institutes, in other French Research institutes, or abroad. At the end of the lab training, the student writes a thesis describing the research activities carried out and the results obtained during the internship. The report is accompanied by an oral presentation to the M2 Scientific and Pedagogical Committee, during which the student presents the key elements of his/her report, the work done and the reflection carried out during his internship..
Prerequisites :
General Microbiology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Janvier - Février - Mars - Avril - Mai - Juin - Juillet.
From 25/01/2024 to 28/02/2024 From 03/04/2024 to 20/07/2024
Compulsory supporting documents
Motivation letter.
All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.
Curriculum Vitae.
Additional supporting documents
Detailed description and hourly volume of courses taken since the beginning of the university program.
VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).
The application procedure, which depends on your nationality and your situation is explained here :
Supporting documents :
- Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
- Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
- Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
- Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
- Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
- Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
- Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.