M2 Neurological Handicap

  • Places available
  • Language(s) of instruction

The goal of this master degree is to train physicians (particularly those specialized in PMR), paramedics (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, podiatrists, psychomotor therapist, nurses), students from biology, sports sciences to research in the field of neurological impairment. During this training, all the fields of applied research on neurological disabilities are presented, from clinical research to translational research and research in physiology and physiopathology.
At the end of this training, 3 professional skills will be acquired:
- A clinical skill through the teaching of the standard management of the various pathologies encountered in the field of neurological disability.
- A research skill through theoretical and practical teaching (internship research laboratory ) provided during the Master’s course.
- A managerial skill: organisation of research projects in the field of neurological disability.

Course Prerequisites

Hold an undergraduate degree or equivalent to access the Neurological disability M1. This might be a paramedics qualification, a biology degree or a STAPS (Sports science) diploma. Hold an M1 or equivalent (via the accreditation of acquired experience) for access to M2. This might be an M1 in biology or in sports science (STAPS); it might be paramedics training that can be validated as an M1 or a medical background.

  • Acquire and implement complex and highly specialised multidisciplinary knowledge.

  • Develop a critical awareness of knowledge in a particular field and/or at the crossroads of several fields.

  • Critically identify, select and analyse material from a variety of specialised sources to
    document a subject and summarise this data in order to make use of it.

  • Carry out a project (design, management, team coordination, implementation and management,
    evaluation, dissemination) that puts multidisciplinary skills into play in a collaborative

  • Build and/or optimise and assessment protocol.

  • Work in a team and maintain long-lasting interpersonal relationships in a professional network.

Post-graduate profile

- Continuation of studies with a science PhD
- Coordination of research in the paramedical field
- Medical job in university hospital settings.

Career prospects

The main openings are:
- Continuation of studies with a science PhD.
- For some paramedical students, further studies in the medical field.
- Pursuit of a career in research or academics for medical and paramedical students in the
various hospital sectors (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychomotricity, neuropsychology, podology, etc.)
- And also, through the acquisition of managerial skills relating to research projects in the field of
disability, the option of joining the numerous companies involved in health and e-health.


Handicap Neuromusculaire: Physiopathologie, Biotechnologies et Pharmacologie appliquées.

EA 447 Handiresp
Institut Cerveau Moelle (Sorbonne Paris).


Le S1 est constitué de 3 UE obligatoires, de 2 à 3 UE au choix parmi 6 UE optionnelles et d'une soutenance orale du projet de recherche effectuée au choix soit en anglais soit en français.

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Généralités Handicap neurologique 3 28
Méthodes d'exploration du sujet atteint d'un handicap neurologique 3 35
Méthodologies de la recherche 3 35
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Activité physique adaptée au handicap neurologique 3 32
Cognitif 3 34
Complications 3 35
Motricité 3 35
Respiratoire 3 20
Uro-génito-sexuel 3 28
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Soutenance orale du projet de recherche en anglais 15
Soutenance orale du projet de recherche en français 12

Le S2 est dédié à un stage dans une équipe de recherche conclu par un mémoire et une soutenance orale.

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Stage en laboratoire ponctué d'un mémoire et d'une soutenance orale 30
Modalités de candidatures
Application period
From 31/03/2024 to 31/08/2024
Compulsory supporting documents
  • Motivation letter.

  • All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.

  • Curriculum Vitae.

Additional supporting documents
  • Certificate of French (compulsory for non-French speakers).

  • VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).

  • The application procedure, which depends on your nationality and your situation is explained here : https://urlz.fr/i3Lo.

  • Supporting documents :
    - Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
    - Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
    - Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
    - Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
    - Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
    - Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
    - Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.

Course manager(s)
djamel BENSMAIL - djamel.bensmail@rpc.aphp.fr
Nicolas ROCHE - roche.nicolas@aphp.fr
Administrative office
Laetitia LE PRADO - laetitia.le-prado@uvsq.fr