In order to respond to the current societal and economic challenges of the discipline, this Master’s degree in Chemistry aims to offer up-to-date training which combines the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, experimental practice and the development of high-level skills. This two-year course enables each student to gradually refine his or her professional project by having access to a wide range of courses (research (R) or professional (P) or non-targeted) covering the various fields of chemistry. It should be noted that the first semester of the Master’s degree in Chemistry provides a common generalist core which provides a common foundation as well as cross-disciplinary skills (foreign language, knowledge of the socio-economic world, etc.). During the second semester, students begin to define their direction and plan their path in M2. The M2 year is seen as a year of specialisation.
The two work placements which take place during the course (one in M1 and one in M2) allow future graduates to apply and deepen their knowledge and skills.
The courses on offer are customisable and take into consideration the areas of fundamental and applied research which are present in Paris-Saclay and are linked to finding solutions to issues and challenges in society.
The Master’s degree in Chemistry comprises eleven standard courses covering various disciplinary fields: analytical chemistry, molecular chemistry (inorganic and organic), solid state chemistry, physical chemistry, chemistry at the interface with biology and environmental chemistry. These fields are part of the Graduate School of Chemistry.
The Master’s degree is based first of all on a set of M1s, either generalist (3 M1 Site-specific Chemistry), or bi-disciplinary (M1 Chemistry-Biology), or with an international dimension (M1 ChemTrack or M1 SERP+) or through an enhanced course (M1 Chemistry course Frédéric Joliot-Curie). The M1 courses allow students to acquire a solid foundation of suitable and up-to-date knowledge in Chemistry which provides the necessary background to continue on into M2.
The M1 Chemistry is taught on sites in Evry, Orsay and Versailles. The Master's in Chemistry offers seven courses in M1:
- three Chemistry M1s known as ‘de site’ (Orsay site, Versailles site, Evry site);
- the bi-disciplinary M1 Chemistry-Biology, the teaching of which is fully shared with the Chemistry M1 and the Health-Biology M1 (Orsay site).
- the M1 Fréderic Joliot-Curie which is supported either by the ENS-Paris-Saclay degree or the D.U. de Magistère de Paris-Saclay. Validation of these degrees requires additional payment.
- International M1s: an M1 SERP+ Erasmus+ accredited (which allows students to obtain a ‘multiple’ degree according to the options they have chosen in the Master's programme), an M1 Chem Track ( delivered in English on the Orsay site).
There are eleven M2s, including an ERASMUS+ programme.
A new modular course in Physical, Inorganic and Solid-state chemistry is available in the course offer.
Students will be able to go onto doctoral studies and/or apply for senior executive posts in companies in the public and private sectors, in France and elsewhere.
Transfer paths go through the choice of platform in S2.
Students must have followed and passed a minimum number of platform teaching units in M1 (S2) to be able to access an M2 (see the circle colours above S3-S4). Students wishing to change their study path may consult the career guidance panels at their disposal.
At mid-term, there is still a possibility for students to change platforms, and consequently their area of focus, orienting themselves towards an M2.
Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Sorbonne Université
Université de Paris
Université de Porto
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
Université de Gênes
Any student who has completed an undergraduate degree during which they have acquired skills specific to chemistry, in four different areas:
-Area 1: Synthesising molecules and developing materials from an experimental protocol (follow-explain-adapt), while applying safety rules.
-Area 2: Analysing: Characterising-identifying a compound and its structure, using analysis methods and data tables.
-Area 3: Explaining: Understanding-predicting the reactivity and properties of compounds, through the analysis of the chemical functions they are composed of.
-Area 4: Acting and being responsible: Producing reports, interpretations and conclusions in a concise manner, showing the ability to summarise (oral-written communication). Thinking critically and being able to identify the sources of errors, always as part of an ethical approach. Independently carrying out allotted tasks and working well in a team. Showing awareness of Safety and hygiene measures and chemical hazards. Understanding the societal issues that relate to chemistry (pollution, energy, health).
Use methodological, experimental and theoretical knowledge and expertise relevant for the development of a scientific study in chemistry.
Communicate information and results to different audiences in two languages including English by arguing a line of reasoning.
Become informed and carry out research on an issue in chemistry by knowing how to identify relevant sources of information.
Adapt to your environment by demonstrating independence and the ability to work in a team by interacting with different parties.
Organise, implement, design and carry out a study/project/scientific procedure in chemistry (theoretical or experimental) in an independent manner by drawing up specifications, a work plan and a finance plan, and the organisation of working time to achieve the objectives set.