The "Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces (MOCHI), organic, organometallic, theoretical, supramolecular chemistry and chemistry for biology and optoelectronics" Master is a program devoted to molecular chemistry and its applications to the fields of biology, material sciences and optoelectronics. The formation requires strong basis in organic and organometallic chemistry. The courses (4 months), which are given in english, are completed by a 6 months research project.
Course Prerequisites
Basic knowledge in organic, organometallic chemistry, spectroscopy, eletrochemistry, photophysics, classical Newtonian mechanics and classical thermodynamics, as well as quantum chemistry
Present scientific results in English, orally and in writing, be able to communicate information and results to different audiences.
Proficiently use bibliographic research tools, collect and analyse articles.
Develop an experimental approach as part of a research project; learn to work independently, with a rigorous scientific approach, in compliance with hygiene & safety regulations.
Develop a scientific strategy to design, synthesise and evaluate new molecules or new access routes to compounds of interest; acquire good command of synthesis and characterisation techniques in an experimental context.
Develop a strategy for modeling the structure, energetics and/or reactivity of molecules, using computing tools to predict and process spectral data.
Understand the biological or physical-chemical properties of molecules or materials.
Post-graduate profile
Profile of graduates who have completed the course
Graduates of the MOCHI M2 will have the following skills:
1. Present scientific results in English, orally and in writing, be able to communicate information and results to different audiences. 2. Proficiently use bibliographic research tools, collect and analyse articles. 3. Be able to develop an experimental approach in the context of of a research project, learn to work independently, with a rigorous scientific approach in compliance with health & safety regulations 4. Develop a scientific strategy to design, synthesise and evaluate new molecules or new access routes to compounds of interest; acquire good command of synthesis and characterisation techniques in an experimental context. 5. Develop a strategy for modeling the structure, energetics and/or reactivity of molecules, using computing tools to predict and process spectral data. 6. understanding the biological or physical-chemical properties of molecules or materials.
Career prospects
This course aims to give students very high-level scientific training that prepares them to tackle a wide range of issues (as doctoral students or in the job market). It also prepares them for teaching posts in tertiary education. The majority of graduates go on to doctoral theses, not only in molecular chemistry but also in biology or optoelectronics. Other graduates will either directly enter employment (industry, etc.) or prepare for a Master's in pedagogical training for lecturers (competitive examinations for recruitment, such as the "agrégation").
Photophysique et Photochimie Supramoléculaires et Macromoléculaires
Institut de chimie moléculaire et des matériaux d'Orsay
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay
Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles
Institut Lavoisier de Versailles
Institut Galien
Laboratoire de Chimie Physique
Service de Chimie Bio-organique et de Marquage - DRF/JOLIOT/DMTS.
Le parcours "Molecular Chemistry and Interfaces (MOCHI), including organic, organometallic, theoretical, supramolecular chemistry, as well as chemistry for biology and optoelectronics est une formation dédiée à la chimie moléculaire avec une ouverture vers les domaines connexes de la biologie, des sciences des matériaux et de l'optoélectronique. La formation théorique est effectuée totalement en anglais.s.
The module consists of three main courses and one project. Each course will include lectures (L), where fundamental concepts will be taught and more advanced aspects of each topic will be gradually presented; and tutorial sessions (T) for the students to exercise their knowledge by solving a number of sample problems. The sessions will be organised as follows: “Photochemical Organic Reactions”: 13 h (10 L + 3 T), “Main-Group Chemistry: P, B, Si, S”: 13.5 h (11 L + 2.5 T). “Asymmetric Synthesis”: 13.5 h (11 L + 2.5 T). A one-hour exam will be taken at the end of each course.
Concerning the project “Retrosynthesis and synthetic planning: practice in total synthesis”, an introduction on retrosynthetic analysis will first be given (2 h). Then, examples of application will be proposed and discussed, the students having to work by themselves. Finally, an exam will be taken (1 ECTS), which will consist of a short written proposal (retrosynthesis + synthetic scheme in the forward direction) relative to a given target, and an oral defence.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This module focuses on several advanced methods and topics in modern organic chemistry, which will be introduced and developed along the following three courses: 'Photochemical Organic Reactions', 'Main-Group Chemistry: P, B, Si, S'; and 'Asymmetric Synthesis'. After a careful presentation of general concepts, various important applications of photochemical reactions, asymmetric methods (including catalytic processes) and synthetic methods based on the chemistry of main-group elements of the p-block (mainly B, Si, P, S) will be reviewed, predominantly in organic synthesis, with occasional illustrations in organometallic chemistry. A significant part of the module will cover recent developments and trends.
The main goal of this module is to extend the Master students' knowledge and expertise in synthetic chemistry, by the introduction and illustration of new advanced concepts and powerful methods in the fields of asymmetric synthesis, catalysis, photochemistry and the use of main-group elements of the p-block. It is expected that with this training, they will be able to analyse synthetic schemes that are based on these methods, as well as to design relevant synthetic strategies for the efficient preparation of target molecules that are difficult to access by other pathways.
Prerequisites :
Connaissances de base en chimie organique.
Bibliographie :
Main courses:
- R. E. Gawley, J. Aubé, Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis, 2nd Edition, 2012, Elsevier.
- K. Mikami, M. Lautens, New Frontiers in Asymmetric Catalysis, 2007, Wiley.
- Recent advances in the synthesis of cyclobutanes by olefin [2+2] photocycloaddition reactions. S. Poplata et al, Chem. Rev. 2016, 116, 9748.
- Photochemical reactions as key steps in natural product synthesis. T. Bach et al, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 1000.
- Photochemical reactions as key steps in organic synthesis. N. Hoffmann, Chem. Rev. 2008, 108, 1052.
- N. Rabasso, Chimie organique 2. Hétéroéléments
FrédéricAvenierMCF32UP-Sud, CNRS - ICMMO
Pierre-YvesRenardPR32Université de Rouen, CNRS - COBRA
Boris VauzeillesDRCNRS - ICSN
JoanneXiePR32ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS-PPSM.
Procedure and organisation :
The module is divided into 4 courses: Bioinorganic chemistry (metalloproteins, electron transfer, redox system, cytochromes P450), Chemical biology (bioconjugation, bioorthogonal chemistry, in vivo modification, reactive probes), Photocontrol of biological processes (caged compounds, photopharmacology), and Biopolymers (AND, proteins). Based on recent literature, the courses will focus on the basic concepts of these rapidly developing fields so as to acquire knowledge of some of the fundamental tools and concepts of chemical biology, biopolymers modification; understanding the advantages of using light to control the biological system, how to design a (pro)fluorescent probe to detect a given biological process and. These tools and concepts will be illustrated by the analysis of recent publications. The final grade is based on written examine of 4 courses, “chemical biology” and “biopolymers” courses will give a unique exam based on the analysis of a recent publication in the domain.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This module focuses on the interfaces between chemistry and biology, mainly through the following four courses: bioinorganic chemistry, chemical biology, biopolymers and photocontrol of biological processes. Metalloproteins, electron transfer systems and oxygen transportation/activation, and the study of their chemical mimics will be described. After introduction to biopolymers and their main chemical properties, bioconjugation and bioorthogonal chemistry will be presented with cases studies in in vivo protein fluorescent labeling and target identification, as well as enzymatic activity detection. Caged compounds and photoswitchable bioactive molecules, the rapidly developing field, will also be introduced with cases studies on examples and study of research articles on the caged (bio)molecules and photopharmacology.
Prerequisites :
Basic knowledge in synthetic organic chemistry.
Bibliographie :
Maurice Goeldner, Richard Givens, Dynamic Studies in Biology: Phototriggers, Photoswitches and Caged Biomolecules, 2005, Wiley-VCH; ISBN-10: 3527307834
Basics in absorption spectroscopy, electrochemistry, photophysics, quantum chemistry.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The module aims at giving an overview of application of molecular chemistry in the field of optoelectronic devices. The module is divided into three sections :
1- Conducting molecular materials,
2- From molecules to optoelectronic devices,
3- Switchable molecular materials.
Prerequisites :
Basics in absorption spectroscopy, electrochemistry, photophysics, quantum chemistry.
The module is divided into 12 blocks. The first 8 blocks will be devoted to molecular mechanics. They will include both a course part, to give the Master students an overview about some of the main methods in molecular mechanics, and hands-on sessions in which research softwares will be used in order to understand how to translate a chemical problem into a modelling workflow. The last session will be dedicated to the work on a personal project. The other 4 blocks concern the quantum chemistry course. The use of methods, based on density functional theory, to describe the electronic structure of organic and organometallic chemistry and to understand their reactivity will be described. The course will be based on recent publications that students will be asked to read and comment on.
The final grade will combine two scores: one from a written exam (70%) about all courses and one (30%) based on the investment in hands-on sessions and in the project.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This UE provides an introduction to molecular modelling from basic principles to applications to complex molecules. It is divided into two parts. In the first, the basics of modelling based on the laws of classical mechanics are introduced: force fields, Monte Carlo sampling and molecular dynamics. This will provide enough background to the students to understand their potential and application domains. Applications to free energy calculations and various approaches of solvation are described. Illustrations span a wide range of molecules and macromolecules in chemistry and biochemistry. The second part is devoted to the analysis of quantum chemical calculations to understand molecular properties and reactivity in molecular chemistry. Various analyses of electron density and atomic indices are introduced and their application to chemical reactivity is described.
Prerequisites :
Basic knowledge in classical Newtonian mechanics and classical thermodynamics. Basic knowledge in quantum chemistry.
Bibliographie :
Frank Jensen, Introduction to Computational Chemistry, 3rd Edition, 2017, Wiley. ISBN : 978-1-118-82599-0 Andrew R. Leach, Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edition, 2001, Pearsons. ISBN 13 : 9780582382107.
Besides three main courses (for 5 ects), a litterature project teaching students how to start and solve a challenging synthetic problem will be involved. An introduction on retrosynthetic analysis will first be given, recalling Corey's and Seebach's logics and the main rules to be applied. Then, after a few examples of applications aiming at showing the diversity of approaches including organomettalic reagents, synthetic problems will be proposed, discussed and possibly debated. The students will have to work by themselves at solving these problems, with a final examination consisting in a short written proposal of the synthetic problem (retrosynthesis + total synthesis forward) and defence of this proposal (for 1 ects).
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This module mainly focuses on the organometallic chemistry and its application in catalysis. The rationalization of the activation of substrates/bonds by metal complexes will be presented as well as the synthesis and reactivity of a variety of carbanionic organometallic reagents. Traditional and more recent aspect of metal based catalysis will be disclosed, with a special attention to coupling reactions catalyzed by palladium or non-noble metals: scope, mechanistic aspects, advantages and limitations will be presented. The role of advanced catalysis concerning the necessary change of paradigm in the production of major chemicals, from fossil to renewable feedstocks will be addressed.
The main goal of this module is to extend the Master students' knowledge and expertise in organometallic chemistry and its application in catalytic reactions. They will be able to analyse the reactivity of organometallic reagent, catalytic scope, mechanism, limitations and to understand the production of the major chemicals in the industry and its link to our current energy system. The final objective expected will be to have an overview of the organometallic chemistry and its applications in order to tackle challenges of modern chemistry.
This module focuses on the interfaces between chemistry and material sciences, mainly through the following three courses: Supramolecular Chemistry, Supramolecular Polymer Chemistry, Chemistry of hybrid organic/inorganic materials. The concepts, interactions and classes of molecules (porphyrins, macrocycles…) involved in supramolecular assemblies will be presented together with applications in the field of medecine and environmental sciences. The module will further present recent trends in the field of polymer chemistry with a particular focus on biological polymers, preparation and applications of copolymers as well as supramolecular polymers and gelators. Finally, concepts and tools for the functionalization of various hybrid organic/inorganic materials will be presented. Examples will be selected to demonstrate how these tools may allow to tune the desired properties of the material.
Prerequisites :
Basic knowledge in organic chemistry.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
Location :
Le second semestre est constitué de projets et d'un stage de 6 mois de recherche dans le domaine de chimie moléculaire ou à l'interface en France ou à l'étranger, dans les laboratoires académiques ou dans l'industrie.
The examination of the literature project will be organized at the beginning of the internship, it will be the occasion of a written report and an oral presentation.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The project involves a bibliographical study on a subject associated with the research internship. The objective is to teach students how to explore and present the literature on a specific subject. It should help the students in the understanding of the goals of their research and make them more efficient.
Avenier Frédéric, MCF, University Paris-Saclay
Laurent EL KAÏM, PR, ENSTA Paris
GosminiCorinne,DREcole Polytechnique, CNRS-LCM
SixYvan, CREcole Polytechnique, CNRS-LSO
Xie Joanne, PR, ENS Paris-Saclay
Miomandre Fabien, PR, ENS Paris-Saclay
OhanessianGillesDRCNRS, EP - LCM
GacoinThierryDREcole Polytechnique / PMC.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
All students will follow a 6 months research internship in a Laboratory on a topic in relation with Molecular Chemistry and its Interfaces. This laboratory may either be an academic or an industrial research laboratory in France or abroad. During this internship, the students will have to perform experimental and/or theoretical studies in order to get practical experience in a research environment in relation with the topic of his/her choice.
The main objective of this module is to give to the students their first 'long terms' practical experience in a research environment. They will learn how to manage a research project from the design of the experiments to the analysis of the results and their presentation in a final report as well as an oral presentation. This internship should prepare them to enter a PhD program in the best conditions, with new technical skills and a better knowledge of the research environment.
Prerequisites :
Being part of the MOCHI Master.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Février - Mars - Avril - Mai - Juin - Juillet.
Location :
Modalités de candidatures
Application period
From 01/03/2025 to 30/06/2025
Compulsory supporting documents
Motivation letter.
All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.
Certificate of English level.
Curriculum Vitae.
Detailed description and hourly volume of courses taken since the beginning of the university program.
Additional supporting documents
VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).
The application procedure, which depends on your nationality and your situation is explained here :
Supporting documents :
- Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
- Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
- Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
- Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
- Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
- Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
- Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.