Student organisations
Bureau des Sports Institut d'Optique Graduate School
Sports Association for the Institut d'Optique Graduate School Organization of a women's sports tournament on the Saclay plateau: the GOST
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Caméra Club Orsay Faculté
The CCOF (camera club of the Orsay faculty) is an association created in 1966 by young film enthusiasts studying at the Faculty of Science in Orsay. Over the years of filming and with the motivation to progress, the association has set up unique cinema workshops, gathered equipment, and of course
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Campus en Musique
Campus en musique is an association that allows students of Université Paris-Sud to meet, play, sing, laugh and share around music. It is located on the Orsay campus at the Maison des Paris-Sudiens and has an office with equipment that is open to students, staff and outside groups, who can book a
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Centrale 7
The Centrale 7 is an association of CentraleSupélec that aims to organise 3 events. The first event is the Sev'Ent: an afternoon during which students and partner companies meet for lunch to discuss and exchange, then play in a rugby sevens tournament. This year, it will take place on April 5th. The
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CentraleSupélec Racing Team
CentraleSupélec Racing team (CSRT) is an auto racing team comprising about twenty students of CentraleSupélec. Our goal is to design and build an electric single-seater to participate in the Formula Student/SAE competition organised by SAE International and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
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CirculAgronomy is a student association at AgroParisTech which aims to identify, promote and connect circular economy initiatives in the fields of agriculture and food. To reach these objectives, the association travels in France and abroad to discover numerous initiatives, shares its knowledge on
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Club Jeux de Rôles & Murders
The JdRM club (roleplay & murder club) organises games in which each participant plays a character and interacts with the other players with the help of a game master. During a role-play game, the players sit around a table and decide which actions their character wants to do. The game master then
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Congrès Scientifique du Campus de Saclay
Each year, we organise a day of conferences dedicated to research and especially to research on the Paris-Saclay campus. Speakers from laboratories, schools and companies on the plateau gather to present their research area and the limits of their knowledge to science students in higher education
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Culture sans frontières
Culture sans frontières (Culture without borders) is an association represented by the students of the Master's programme in Culture and Communication, in the International Cultural Projects (PCI) track. Located on the Guyancourt campus, this young academic programme, created in 2015, feels the need
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Doc' en herbe
Doc 'en herbe is the association of the doctoral students from the doctoral school "Sciences du végétal" in Paris-Saclay University. Each year we organize some events that aim to debvelop interactions between students in plant biology, including the "PhD days", that is a congress for the doctoral
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Doc SP
We are the association of doctoral students and former doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Public Health (EDSP or ED 570). Our goal is to stimulate the activities of the Doctoral School and to encourage exchanges between doctoral students from different fields related to public health, with
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