Arts and culture Orsay-Bures Vallée

Caméra Club Orsay Faculté

The CCOF (camera club of the Orsay faculty) is an association created in 1966 by young film enthusiasts studying at the Faculty of Science in Orsay.

Over the years of filming and with the motivation to progress, the association has set up unique cinema workshops, gathered equipment, and of course made many short films, video clips, documentaries and fictions.

This commitment made it possible to create a unique space to learn and create freely, for students, professionnals and amateurs to share, exchange and gather around a common passion.

The main objective of the association is to support the members in their film and video projects, whatever thay may be: film-making, trainings for cinema professions...


Université Paris-Sud
Bât. 399 - Maison des Paris-Sudiens
91400 Orsay

48.7028239, 2.1720633