Sport Orsay-Gif Moulon

Centrale 7

The Centrale 7 is an association of CentraleSupélec that aims to organise 3 events.

The first event is the Sev'Ent: an afternoon during which students and partner companies meet for lunch to discuss and exchange, then play in a rugby sevens tournament. This year, it will take place on April 5th.

The second event is the Launch Evening ("Soirée de Lancement") on April 11th: this gala evening is the opportunity to launch the main event with a conference featuring personalities from the sports world.

The third event is the Centrale 7 on May 22nd and 23rd: each year, top-level teams from all over the world come during two days on the campus for this sevens rugby tournament.


1 rue Joliot-Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

48.7101215, 2.1622836