Young researchers Orsay-Gif Moulon

Doc' en herbe

Doc 'en herbe is the association of the doctoral students from the doctoral school "Sciences du végétal" in Paris-Saclay University. Each year we organize some events that aim to debvelop interactions between students in plant biology, including the "PhD days", that is a congress for the doctoral students. During this event, the doctoral students have the opportunity to share their work and benefit from the others' advices. We are also seeking to improve relationships between PhD students in Europe by organizing the students' journey to the European Plant Science Retreat (EPSR) that is an European congress arranged "by the doctoral students and for the doctoral students" to discuss their work and promote collaborations in Europe. Finally, the association also wants to facilitate the insertion of PhD students outside the academic sector through close collaboration with the forum BIOtechno.


Bâtiment 630 - rue Noetzlin Université Paris-Saclay
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette