The laboratories constitute the research potential of University of Paris-Saclay. They cover all scientific disciplines that mobilize over 15,000 scientists, researchers, and PhD teachers. These teams are working together on internationally recognized interdisciplinary projects.
Data is extracted from the Bibliolabs website.
Signalisation et physiopathologie cardiovasculaire (CARPAT)
The SPC revolves around three teams developing complementary themes on animal and cell models to study the mechanisms...
Signalisation, radiobiologie et cancer (SRC)
The ETIC unit is responsible for major discoveries in the field of developmental biology, particularly in the neural...
Structure-Activité des Biomolécules Normales et Pathologiques (SABNP)
Based on a multidisciplinary approach, the Structure-Activity Laboratory of Normal and Pathological Biomolecules (SABNP)...
Structures, propriétés et modélisation des solides (SPMS)
The research at SPMS is mainly focused on three aspects: - Energy functional materials - Advanced ferroics - Electronic...
Synergies Langues Arts Musique (SLAM)
The SLAM Laboratory, directed by Brigitte Gauthier, was created after the merger of the RASM laboratory and the SCRIPT...
Systèmes et Applications des Technologies de l'Information et de l'Energie (SATIE)
SATIE is an applied sciences laboratory which focuses on the study and improvement of information and electrical systems...