
Learning outcome targets

The Finance course teaches operational skills based on a cross-disciplinary base of economics and management. It is broken down into a split M1 (Evry and Psud) which provides the main tools, concepts and analytical frameworks within the field of finance (corporate and financial markets) to develop skills in risk analysis, assessment and management which leads to three main routes covering the professions of financing and strategy for banks (Banque Finance path) and companies (Strategy and Financial Engineering path), as well as Risk and asset management path.
The three courses are clearly differentiated in terms of professional opportunities and have specific teaching in the second year, whereas the first year of the Master's programme provides students with a common base of knowledge.
The courses are enriched through the use of innovative teaching tools, by the support of teams of teacher-researchers who still work in laboratories and by the offer of complementary certifications of a professional nature.

Post-graduate profile

The Master in Finance opens up a wide range of professions, ranging from corporate finance to market finance, including careers in banking. After a year following the common core syllabus in M1, diversity arises in M2 as students have the choice of three paths to specialise in:

  • Banking Finance: Corporate account manager, credit analyst, risk manager, bank auditor, compliance analyst, etc.
  • Risk and Asset Management: Quantitative analyst, portfolio management/trading assistant, middle office manager, risk manager, financial engineer, etc.
  • Financial Strategy and Financial Engineering: Financial analyst, accounting and finance executive, consultant, management controller, administrative and financial director, etc.


Transfer paths

The Master 1 follows a single track in the second semester, in order to give students a better understanding of the fields of specialisation open to them in the three Master's 2 study paths.

  • Undergraduate degree in Economics
  • Undergraduate degree in Economics and Management
  • Undergraduate degree in Management
  • Joint Honours in Economics and Mathematics
Skills required within the Field of Study :
  • Understand and assess a bank's exposure to risk

  • Understand financing techniques (banking and market) and credit analysis in order to formulate a financing offer for companies.

  • Analyse developments in financial markets and their regulations to fulfil financing and investment needs.

  • Propose portfolio and risk management strategies which are tailored to the needs of clients

  • Draw up an assessment of a company's financial situation

  • Propose financing solutions to a company by deploying all available resources.