Projects around the university

The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Biodiversity, Agroecology, Society and Climate (C-BASC) funds a number of projects in the vicinity of the university, listed below. In particular, C-BASC is involved with local players in the VivAgriLab living lab.

Monitoring of cats and foxes

The project consists in monitoring biodiversity, in particular the quantification of the presence of mesopredators, cats and foxes, already monitored by means of a kilometre index of abundance. The

In the past, C-BASC's original structure has carried out projects on the following themes around the university:

2016-2020 (the last 4 projects received European LEADER funding)

Soil mapping Périurbain
Detection of agricultural drains Ecologie territoriale (un important travail collectif) 
Corn Climat et occupation des sols 
Quantifying ecosystem services Développement périurbain et pollinisation
Organic waste products  
Crop pest control  
European wild apple conservatory orchard