Adaptation of vegetable crops to climate change
In a few years, climate change has become a concern for vegetable producers. It is now important to work with producers on climate scenarios to anticipate the future. This project is therefore part of a participatory action research approach. It intends to produce scientific knowledge that is useful and relevant for farmers.
The objectives of this project are to collectively identify the current priority concerns of vegetable producers, to model the impact of climate scenarios on a panel of vegetables and to consider experimental schemes.
To achieve these objectives, this project will rely on two rounds of workshops with farmers. Each batch will include three workshops: one in the Plateau de Saclay/Versailles/Green Triangle area, one in the northwestern part of Ile-de-France, and one in the eastern part of Ile-de-France. These workshops will be open to all interested vegetable producers who will be mobilized by the networks of the Chamber of Agriculture, the Groupement d'Agriculteurs Biologique (GAB) and the association Terre et Cité.
To prepare and feed these different workshops, a research work will be carried out by INRAE: (i) state of the art of scientific knowledge on the subject and references in other countries, (ii) modeling of the impact of climate scenarios on vegetables identified by producers with the indicators that speak to them. The researchers will also carry out an analysis of the various workshops.
The Chamber of Agriculture, the GAB and Terre et Cité will contribute to the reflection by bringing their global vision on the subject through their daily interactions with farmers and will mobilize their respective networks for the workshops. The results of the project will be the subject of communication supports for the farmers and scientific publications.
The "Climaleg" project (2021-2022) is funded by the European program LEADER (Liaison Entre Action de Développement de l'Economie Rurale), INRAE, the Conseil Départemental de l'Essonne (CD91) and C-BASC. It involves:
- 1 C-BASC laboratory and the graduate school Biosphera: Kevin Morel (SADAPT, INRAE) and Christine Aubry (SADAPT, AgroParisTech) as carriers
- 3 non-academic partners: the IdF Chamber of Agriculture, the Ile-de-France Organic Farmers Group (GAB) and the association Terre et Cité