Adapting vegetable production in Ile de France to climate change: what availability and use of water resources?
In view of the growing concern about the future availability of water for agriculture in Ile-de-France, this 2022-2023 project uses indicators derived from climate projections obtained previously (Climaleg INRAE - Terre & Cité 2021-2022 project) to propose quantifications of the additional water demands (compared to the present) of Ile-de-France's vegetable and market gardening systems.
Although of little concern until now due to their low weight in relation to total regional water consumption, agricultural water consumption, and in particular that of vegetable and market gardening systems, is likely to increase significantly due to the combined effect of climate change and a strong increase in demand for local products in Île-de-France.
Involving many partners (below), the project aims to provide development authorities and partner farmers with quantified and co-constructed elements on the future water demands of these systems, as a basis for exchanges and debates on the adaptations already underway or possible among farmers and/or on a local scale.
The project will provide:
- results of projections on water demands by projected water balances on co-constructed couples (soil types * crop successions),
- a comparison between these balances and the projections of the water table on the Saclay plateau carried out by the Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (iii),
- elements of knowledge on water management and current problems encountered by market gardeners and vegetable growers, (iv) elements of debate with the agricultural authorities and the authorities in charge of water on the basis of these concrete data. This may lead to further research, experiments (in stations and/or on farmers' farms), modeling and even possible changes in public policies.
This project (2022-2023) involves:
- 2 laboratories of C-BASC and GS Biosphera: leader Christine Aubry (SADAPT, AgroParisTech), leader Kevin Morel (SADAPT, INRAE), Nabil Touili (SADAPT postdoc), Erwan Personne (ECOSYS, AgroParisTech)
- 2 external academic partners: the INRAE Metaprogram and the Geological and mining research bureau
- 3 non-academic partners: the association Terre et Cité, the Ile-de-France Chamber of Agriculture and the Ile-de-France Organic Farmers Group (GAB)