Université Paris-Saclay coordinates a range of actions among staff, students and associations to make them aware of LGBT+ issues and the fight against LGBT+ discrimination.

The university has created an online form for transgender students who wish to change their first name. Awareness-raising webinars, workshops and weeks related to this issue take place regularly throughout the year.

Practical information

  • Emergency number : SOS HOMOPHOBIE, +33 (0) 1 48 06 42 41
  • Espace santé trans : Espace Santé Trans (EST) is a non-profit organisation. It brings together trans and cisgender* activists and healthcare professionals who are aware of the needs of trans people and the difficulties they encounter when accessing healthcare.
  • Association OUTrans : feminist trans self-help association.
  • Collectif intersexe activiste - OII France : formerly Collectif Intersexes et Allié·es, this is the only association by and for intersex people in France.

*cisgender : a person whose gender identify corresponds to the sex/gender assigned at birth.