International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
Université Paris-Saclay is committed to fighting discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people (LGBT). Conscious that the violence experienced by many LGBT people is sometimes due to a lack of understanding, the University is organising an awareness day open to all.
While violence against LGBT people often goes unnoticed by those who are not affected by it, it represents a source of daily suffering for many, ranging from inappropriate comments, generalisations, mocking and even assaults. It is a reality that also exists in higher education.
Facts and figures
1 in 4 students has witnessed LGBTphobia at university in France.
12% of LGBT people reported that they have been overlooked for a promotion at work because of their sexual orientation.
50% of lesbians say that they have experienced discrimination, related to either their gender or their sexual orientation.

As part of the awareness day that will take place on 17 May 2021, the Equality & Diversity Mission at Université Paris-Saclay invites you to:
- Test your knowledge: definitions, facts and statistics on discrimination and violence against LGBT people at university or at work. The right approach starts with awareness. Click here to take part in the quiz (in French): https://app.quizwhizzer.com/play?code=12934
- Take part in the webinar (in French) on Monday 17 May from 11.30am – 1pm: “How to adopt trans-friendly practices at university” (Comment adopter des pratiques respectueuses des personnes trans à l’université ?). The webinar will be hosted by Lucie Pallesi, PHD candidate at the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Université Paris-Saclay under the supervision of Anaïs Bohuon, Professor at the Faculty of Sport Sciences and social historian.
You can download the communication pack here: https://cirrus.universite-paris-saclay.fr/s/proGJbJbHdLtXQq
1 https://tetu.com/2020/09/24/un-etudiant-sur-quatre-a-ete-temoin-de-lgbt…
2 https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2017/05/17/homophobie-et-t…
3 https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2017/05/17/homophobie-et-t…