Endeavouring to attract the best talents in France and abroad, Université Paris-Saclay strongly commits to offering its students a mobility experience in the course of their studies and has thus
The GS Education (GS EFE) helps you to develop your international projects in:
Laure Plançon-Arnould, the International Relations Manager provides a dedicated support to set-up and finance projects of the GS members.
The GS Education supports Project Leaders in the organization of summer schools.
So far, two Master of Teaching degree students have benefited from the financial support Lecturers received from the GS:
led by Paule Lévy, and aimed at 11 M1 students in the English language instruction program from the UVSQ took part of a student exchange to enjoy a pedagogical experience and total cultural immersion in the University of Turku – Read more -
led by Luca Agostino, and aimed at 5 M1 students in Mathematics instruction from Evry University to take part in a challenge in Florence - Europass application criteria -
Summer school in Brussels (Belgium)
led by Armel Nayt, and aimed at 11 M1 students in the English language instruction program from UVSQ to assist in the development of FlowChase application, which corrects the English spoken by speakers for whom French is their first language – Read more -
12 M1 students in Mathematics from Evry University as well as Lucie Audier, Project Leader and Training Manager, participated in the spring school "Deep learning space for 21st century" to work on the ergonomics of the classroom – Read the Girls report and the Boys report (in French) -
holded by Anne Schmitt (CIAMS, Université Paris-Saclay), and cofunded by the research laboratory CIAMS, and the California East Bay State University - for the catering of the conference Water sports and gender in PE: The case of sailing and surfing - Know further -
Organized by Esther Cyna, M1 in English Research Lecturer, to host guest speakers for lectures at the CHCSC laboratory (Center for the study of Cultural History in Contemporary Society, Centre d’Histoire Culturelle des Sociétés Contemporaines) at UVSQ – More details –
With the implementation of the new program of the Master of Teaching (Concentration 1), M2 students had the opportunity to carry out their three-week internship in a European country. Laure Plancon-Arnould initiated and led this project with the International Relations Department of the Université Paris-Saclay.
32 students from the Versailles Academy's Superior Education and Teaching National Institute (Institut National du Professorat et de l'éducation, INSPé) applied, including six from the Guyancourt campus and nine from Orsay. The International Relations Department of the Versailles Academy identified 69 work placements in Europe within the association of French schools abroad (réseau AEFE), as well as within the Alliance française in the Aost Valley, its historical partner.
Each university provided the financial support to the students through the Erasmus+ Hybride, the European mobility program. All the applicants were selected: four went to Madrid (Spain), six to the Aost Valley (Italy), three to Porto (Portugal), one to Prague (Tcheck Republic), and one to Rauma (Finland)!
Let’s hope this international experience will allow them to observe and learn from different professional practices, as well as show them the importance of interculturality in Europe to foster European values!
Laure Plançon-Arnould, International Relations Manager of the GS Education
Endeavouring to attract the best talents in France and abroad, Université Paris-Saclay strongly commits to offering its students a mobility experience in the course of their studies and has thus
The Graduate School Education (Graduate school Education Formation Enseignement - GS EFE) develops training programs for students, teachers, and staff. The GS EFE works to ensure the initial and
The Graduate School Education (GS EFE) supports and promotes the development of research in educational sciences that draws upon the issues from the collaborative dynamics field. Within the Université