Integrative Biology and Physiology
The degree in Integrative Biology and Physiology (BIP) aims to answer questions about objects and purposes related to agriculture and the environment through research approaches in biology and life engineering. The purpose of the BIP degree is to show how the understanding of the biology and biodiversity of organisms in their environment can be harnessed by humans for innovative and sustainable uses and applications. It therefore comprises a degree in multi-organism biology (microbes, animals, plants) with the addition of multiscale data and an introduction to modelling. The BIP degree is organised around several educational elements which relate to well-identified professional pathways.
The degree has been reorganised for this new certification around 5 aims which are in line with the Graduate School BASE and with specific objectives which are explained in the EF programmes: Biomass Engineering for Bioeconomy (BEB) / integral component of the Erasmus Mundus European Master in Biological and Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Bioeconomy (Bioceb); Biodiversity, Genomics and the Environment (BGE - PR359); Biologie Prédictive et Intégrative Animale / Predictive and Integrative Animal Biology integral component of the Erasmus Mundus in Animal Breeding and Genetics - EMABG (PRIAM - PR107); Plant Sciences (SCV - PR112); Biologie Systémique et Synthétique / Systems and Synthetic Biology (SSB – PR94). The focus in several courses is on genomics and/or bioengineering techniques that are essential in both basic and applied research.
These 5 objectives are supported by five M1s: Biomass Engineering for Bioeconomy (BIP-BEB) which is part of the Erasmus Mundus Bioceb, Biodiversity, BIP Genomes and the Environment (BIP-BGE - PR660); BIP Plant (BIPV - PR540), BIP Animal (BIPA - PR658) and BIP Applied Systems and Synthetic Biology (ASSB). The three M1 BIPA, BIPV and BIP-BGE share a two-month common core (TC) which is followed by a teaching unit specific to each EF and a compulsory 2-month work placement. The M1 ASSB and BEB courses, which are entirely in English, offer different curricula.
The degree is structured around 3 levels of study: 1) Integrated approaches to the study and development of living organisms (Animals with the M2 PRIAM; Microbiological with the M2 SSB, BGE; Plants with the M2 SCV and BEB); 2) The development of biotechnology (Chemical and biochemical engineering with the M2 BEB; Life engineering and synthetic biology with the M2 SSB) and 3) Adaptation, environment and biodiversity (Genomics, genetics with the M2 BGE, SCV, PRIAM; Modelling and systems biology with the M2 SSB).
With a strong emphasis on research-oriented courses, the BIP (Integrative Biology and Physiology) school has a range of teaching methods and activities designed to prepare students for entry into a thesis.
The programme also targets direct entry into employment after the Master's course. The types of job targeted at this point include the following categories: Study Engineer, Research Assistant, Project Manager, Research and Development Studies Officer, Animal and/or Plant Experiment Studies Officer, Scientific communications Officer
The targeted fields of activity are as follows: HEALTH; RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT; ANIMAL PRODUCTIONS; PLANT PRODUCTIONS; BIOTECHNOLOGIES; ENVIRONMENT; GENOMICS. More specifically, the subject areas targeted include: Crops and animal production, hunting and related services, Silviculture and forestry, Food industries, Chemical industry, Pharmaceutical industry, Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products, Manufacture of machinery and equipment, Wholesale of raw agricultural products and live animals, wholesale trade in information and communication equipment, publishing of books and periodicals and other publishing activities, legal and accounting activities, advertising and market research, veterinary activities, Teaching in higher and post-secondary non-higher education, General, economic and social administration, Jobs in healthcare, Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities, Jobs in associative organisations, Jobs in organisations and bodies outside the region
While the Master's course offering is structured around set M1-M2 study paths (BGE; BIPA-PRIAM; BIPV-SCV; ASSB-SSB), there are many transfer paths available from one study path to another. BGE students can thus join other microbiology M students, BIPA students have access to the Reproduction and Development and Infectious Agents M2 and SCV students can join BEB. Lastly, the ASSB M1 is specifically built around student projects that can lead to SCV or PRIAM. The terms of access to the different M2s will depend on the prerequisites completed by the M1 students, who will be assessed by the teaching teams.
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Maisons Alfort
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (partenaire Bioceb)
Université de Paris
The entry profile for the BIP school tends to be students from the following undergraduate courses: Biology-Health, Biology - Chemistry, Biology of Organisms and Ecology, Biology L3 entrance exam, Undergraduate degree in Life Sciences, L3 Master's in Biology-Health, Master's in Biology of Organisms and Ecology. Applicants from other backgrounds (BTS, DUT etc. - Advanced technician diploma equivalent to BTEC) on condition that they have basic knowledge (undergraduate level) in molecular genetics, formal genetics, biochemistry, physiology of major functions, statistics, and English, as a prerequisite.
Gain expertise in the technological methods and tools used in basic and applied biological research in the fields of genetics, physiology, molecular biology, cell biology, bioinformatics and biochemistry as well as in silico biology techniques for the analysis of omics data: genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics.
Design and carry out experimental procedures and then critically process and analyse the results.
Independently conduct a research project, in the laboratory or in the field, alone or in a group, from its conception - including the critical analysis of the scientific literature and the state of the art summary - to its completion (under supervision)
Interpret, discuss and communicate scientific results alone or in groups in written and oral form according to the academic formats used in science
Formulate a scientific question by presenting it in a well-argued manner
Develop language skills (reading and oral comprehension, written and oral communication, interaction) in English