Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution

In order to apply to one of the programmes of the master, please select the programme you are interested in under the "Year 1 & 2 Master's programmes" tab.

Learning outcome targets

The Biodiversity Ecology and Evolution degree at the Université Paris-Saclay covers a wide range of disciplines concerning the management and understanding of biodiversity in relation to the environment. This course aims to provide a very good understanding of the ecology, evolution and behaviour of living organisms in relation to their environment on an individual scale and right up to that of ecosystems and the biosphere. The challenges for society are also addressed, through the inter-relationship between mankind and nature, regional planning and governance. Scientific objectives include mastering theories and concepts on biodiversity, evolutionary and functional ecology, as well as the approaches used in modelling, experimentation, field monitoring, and quantitative methods in data analysis at different levels of integration, including genes, individuals, populations, communities, ecosystems and regions.
The second year of the BEE degree is divided into 7 specialist courses on different areas of biodiversity management and understanding at all the various levels, from genes to the biosphere (EVEF, ECIRE, AEP, BGE, ACTES), as well as pollution management (PCGE).
One of the courses serves as specific preparation for the national education recruitment examination for the ‘agrégation’ (teaching qualification) in Life Sciences, and Sciences of the Earth and the Universe.
• Conservation ecology, ecological engineering: research and expertise ECIRE
• Evolutionary and functional ecology EVEF
• Ecological approach to the landscape AEP (apprenticeship)
• Chemical pollution and environmental management PCGE
• Biodiversity, genomics and the environment BGE
• Knowledge about agro-ecology, regions and society ACTES
• Higher education training in Life Sciences (preparation for the ‘agrégation’ SV-STU) ‘Agreg’ preparation

At the same time, some students may choose to join the Master’s (magistère) degree programme. This will enable them to obtain a dual degree (BEE Master’s degree and a Master's (magistère) degree in Biology) by the end of the Master’s programme.

Post-graduate profile

Openings for graduates of the BEE programme cover a wide variety of job types. Students graduating from Research study paths can access research opportunities in environment / ecology (researchers and university lecturers), fundamental and applied research in the management of living resources and ecosystems, conservation biology and agriculture. Host organisations include public laboratories (Universities, Grandes Ecoles such as AgroParisTech, etc., Muséum, CNRS, INRA, IRD, CIRAD, IRSTEA, and so on) and some private companies (for instance, research and development departments in the environment (such as EDF), phytosanitary or agri-food sectors) or public bodies (such as ONCFS).
The programme leads to job opportunities in scientific consultancy in the environmental / ecological field (impact studies, identification of ecological indicators, creation of diagnostic and monitoring procedures, diagnostics, recommendations/advice, management and restoration plans, off-site and on-site conservation, health and safety, and so on), in administrations, local and regional authorities, associations, consultancy offices, botanical conservatories, protected areas, the environmental departments of large companies (TOTAL, ENGIE, VINCI , VEOLIA, EDF, etc.).

Transfer paths

The common core syllabus of the BEE Master's degree gives students all the skills required to join one of the discipline's M2 study paths.

Academic partnerships

Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Ecole de Breuil


The BEE M1 gives further study opportunities to Université Paris SUD students on the undergraduate (License 3) Biology of Organisms Ecology (BOE) course. This M1 also takes in students from L3 (undergraduate) courses at other French Universities, as well as some students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan/ Paris-Saclay. Lastly, every year the Master also takes in students from universities outside of France. In M2, the BFI, EEV, BCR, IES, PGCSE courses are also open to AgroParisTech engineering students who wish to specialise in ecology for the third year of their engineering course.

Skills required within the Field of Study :
  • Design and monitor a project on ecological systems, implement it and carry out an evaluation.

  • Conduct the analysis, prevention and treatment of anthropogenic pollutants and damage in the three compartments of the biosphere

  • Provide expertise on an ecological / environmental problem

  • Carry out impact studies and propose environmental strategies in compliance with regulations

  • Design and manage urban landscape projects

  • Produce summaries, write documents, scientific articles