The EUGLOH Alliance of European Universities

Discover the training opportunities and events organised by EUGLOH - the European University Alliance for Global Health!

Undergraduates, PhD students, academic or administrative staff: EUGLOH offers you training opportunities and events on a variety of topics: seminars, workshops, training courses, meetings with industrials, mobility opportunities... Discover the five campuses of the alliance, meet with experts, develop cross-cutting skills and benefit from European diversity!

Every fortnight, receive information about the training opportunities and events organised by EUGLOH:


EUGLOH opportunities for all


Discover our mobility and training opportunities available throughout Europe. Develop your skills and meet other students and researchers from the five campuses of the EUGLOH Alliance. More information

PhD students

Validate your disciplinary education and cross-cutting competences within a European framework. Develop your intercultural skills by meeting PhD students and researchers from the five campuses of the alliance. More information



Meet your peers within EUGLOH to develop new collaborations and projects for your students. More information


Join forces with EUGLOH to build together the society of tomorrow and meet its new challenges. More information

Players of the territory

EUGLOH works closely with the key players of its territory. More information.

EUGLOH - European University Alliance for Global Health

The EUGLOH alliance brings together 9 key European universities of research: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany), Lund University (Sweden), the University of Porto (Portugal), the University of Szeged (Hungary), University of Alcalá (Spain), The Arctic University of Norway (Norway), University of Novi Sad (Serbia), University of Hamburg (Germany)  and Université Paris-Saclay. Embracing the values of the European Union, they pool their expertise in order to answer the challenges of today's society and offer education of excellence with a blend of high-quality teaching and research, and cutting-edge facilities. More information


Second edition of the EUGLOH Rush Pharmaceutical Game

The second edition of the EUGLOH Rush Pharmaceutical Game brought together over 200 students of...

Published on : 23 February 2021


For any question, contact

EUGLOHRIA Research Project

You are a researcher, a teacher or a student from Paris-Saclay, a business, a public entity, an association , a European citizen: this project could be for you.

European University Alliance For