Europe Day at the Université Paris-Saclay

International-Europe Article published on 07 May 2021 , Updated on 11 May 2021

The 9 May is the Europe Day ! Celebrated since 1986, this date is considered to be the birth of Europe since Robert Schuman's speech in 1950 on European unification. It is an opportunity to raise awareness of the European Union, celebrate peace and unity in Europe and all the cultures and traditions of European citizens. How do we celebrate Europe Day at the Université Paris-Saclay? What is the place of Europe for the Université Paris-Saclay? 

What is the Europe Day?

Every year, Europe Day is hold on May, the 9th since the Robert Schuman’s speech in 1950 which has been written in close collaboration with Jean Monnet. French Minister for Foreign Affairs (1948-1952), he became the first President of the European Parliament, earning him the nickname 'Father of Europe'. 

With his speech, Schuman gave his own vision about the European unification, thinking of a new political co-operation and affirming his desire to create a European institution that would bring together and manage the production of coal and steel (created in 1952). This kind of co-operation, which was open to other countries, was intended to establish common interests between them and to guarantee peace and unity.

Entry of countries into the European Union

1958 Creation of the alliance: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
1973 Ireland, Denmark and the United Kingdom (exit in 2020)
1981 Greece
1986 Spain and Portugal
1995 Austria, Sweden and Finland
2004 Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia
2007 Bulgaria and Roumania
2013 Croatia

Europe and Université Paris-Saclay

Leader of the European university EUGLOH (European University Alliance for Global Health) and its research project EUGLOHRIA, the Université Paris-Saclay carries the European values (inclusion, sustainable development and European citizenship) and is committed to the construction of a European Higher Education and Research Area.

European university EUGLOH, fully representing the European diversity, enables to the Université Paris-Saclay and its for partners (University of Lund – Sweden, University of Porto – Portugal, Ludwig -Maximilians Universität Munchen – Germany and University of Szeged – Hungary) to pool their expertise and knowledge, to offer staff and students time for exchanges with their European peers and finally to transmit European values in order to train responsible citizens.

The Université Paris-Saclay is committed to offering its students and staff numerous opportunities to go aboard, thus enabling to benefit from mobility with a high quality, particulary in Europe, thanks to the signing of its Erasmus+ Charter for the period 2021-2027 and endosing the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 for the period 2014-2020. A mobility encourages the discovery of new methods, the encounter with another culture and language and allows for self-confidence.

Our university is also a member of 3 key European networks:

  1. League of European Research Universities – LERU
  2. Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research – CESAER
  3. European Universities Association – EUA

Europe Day on the Université Paris-Saclay campus

On Europe Day, test your knowledge of Europe with our quiz “How well do you know Europe?”. Available in several languages, it promotes multilingualism and interculturality.

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Endeavouring to attract the best talents in France and abroad, Université Paris-Saclay strongly commits to offering its students a mobility experience in the course of their studies and has thus