EUGLOH Alliance Day – Exploring the world with today’s constraints
On 12 May 2021, the 5 partners of the European University Alliance for Global Health organised the second edition of the Alliance Day around a current issue: “Exploring the world with today’s constraints”.

On 12 May 2021, the 5 partners of the European University Alliance for Global Health organised the second edition of the Alliance Day – a day of celebration for all players of the alliance. Bringing together over 400 participants online, the event was both fun to organise and watch for all those involved. Students, teachers, but also researchers and administrative staff joined forces to offer a day that was both informative and fun, as could be seen with the duos of presenters for the day: an administrative representative from the UPSaclay International and European Affairs Department, Rosemary MacGillivray, and two teachers: François Goxe, a professor of International Business at Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, and Susan Harris, a professor of English from the language department at the UPSaclay Jean Monnet Faculty, in Sceaux, both involved in the internationalisation of their courses.
Organised online, the Alliance Day was not your typical event such as a conference. The organising committee created a live TV show accessible in a virtual 3D venue. Participants could enter like in an exhibition hall, find information about EUGLOH and its 5 partners, watch a filmed message by its rectors, introduced by Vanessa Debiais-Sainton, Head of the Higher Education Unit at the European Commission, and supported by Jose-Lorenzo VALLES, Head of the European Commission Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), "walk through" a photo exhibition and meet other participants in a meeting area.
Jointly developed by all five partners, the Alliance Day was created in a teaching-learning environment, heavily involving students of the alliance who not only ran some of the sessions, but also made the event come to life. Drawing on their past experience in the first edition of the Alliance Day, in 2019, students from all of our 5 universities collaborated once more to prepare a new intercultural quiz, and a team of semi-professional students from the Cachan Technical Institute, led by their teacher, Filippo Fabbri, Director of the STAR filming Studio, directed the TV studio throughout the day. There was a little bit for everyone in the programme, with round-tables, a live cooking-class, cultural quizzes, a workout session, musical interludes by groups of the five universities, as well as interviews of students, academics and staff, throughout the five campuses.
A special thanks should be given to all our contributors across Europe, and more specifically from UPSaclay, to Rosemary MacGillivray for hosting the entire day in a very dynamic and fun way, Filippo Fabbri and his great team at the Cachan Technical Institute, the SAUN and the Research & International and European Affairs Department at the Université d’Evry Val-d’Essonne, Camille Paoletti and La Diagonale as well as our professors François and Susan who were essential to the success of the day and, last but not least, Csilla Ducrocq who led the Let’s Talk roundtable around interculturality with Kirti Sardesai and their colleagues and students. Let’s not forget our devoted students: Charlotte Malle, studying Athletic Training at the STAPS, Tina Issa, a PhD Student from the IBISC–CNRS lab, Margaux Brouquisse, our EUGLOH intern, the musical group from Centrale-Supélec, Les Peintres, and everyone else that contributed to making this day a success.
This annual event will be organised again next year in the spring. In the meantime, do not miss on any of the training opportunities or events organised by EUGLOH!
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