Biotherapy & Oncology
The Graduate Program Biotherapy & Oncology federates and coordinates the Master's degrees, doctoral schools and research teams at the University of Paris-Saclay in the field of Cancer biology, Oncology and Biotherapies. In particular, it develops the entire field of investigation of Cancer Biology, from the understanding of the fundamental mechanisms at the origin of cancers (e.g. heredity, environment, aging, infection) to the implementation of adapted, innovative, personalized therapeutic approaches and the characterization of the impact of these treatments in the medium and long term. The Graduate Program Oncology & Biotherapy also raises the issue of biotherapies more broadly by developing gene, cell and tissue therapies against cancer or other diseases of genetic origin (e.g. monogenic diseases such as myopathies, immunodeficiency, haematopathologies) and/or age-related (e.g. neurodegenerative diseases)
Keywords (alphabetical order) : 3R (Replication, Repair, Recombination); Aging; Apoptosis; Autophagy; Bioinformatics; Biomaterials; Biomarkers; Cancer; Carcinomas; Cell cycle restriction points; Cell death; Chemotherapies; Chromosomal instability; Clinical trials; Cytotherapies; Diagnosis; Differentiation; Epigenetics; Etiology; Fibrosis; Genetic diseases; Genotherapeutics; Homing; Immunotherapy; Infection; Inflammation; Innovative pharmacotherapies; Invasion; Leukemia; Medulloblastoma; Melanomas; Metabolism; Metastasis; Microbiota; Modelling; Monogenic diseases; Mutagenesis; Myopathies; Nanotechnology; Necrosis; Oncology; Oncogenes; Oncogenic agents; Oncology; Pluripotent stem cells; Prognosis; Radiobiology; Radiation-induced tumours; Sequencing; Signalling; Signature; Stress; Theranostics; Therapies; Therapies; Translation; Tumors; Tumor progression; Tumor reversion; Tumor suppressors; Vectors; Surgical innovations; Therapeutic targets; Tumor environment; Tumor stem cells, Vectoring
Master programs
The Graduate Program Biotherapy & Oncology offers 5 Master courses :
- « Cancerology » (Cancero), from the biology of cancer to oncology, from the fundamental to the clinical;
- « Gene, Cell, Development » (GCD), from the biology of the cell to its normal or pathological development in the context of cancer;
- « Aging biology » (BiV), exploring in particular the link between ageing and cancer;
- « Immunology » (Immuno), exploring in particular the link between immunity and immunotherapies for cancer;
- « Biotherapies: Tissue, Cell & Gene » (BTCG) which specialises in innovative biotherapies, covering genotherapies (gene transfer, gene interventions), replacement cytotherapies (stem or differentiated cell manipulations), immunotherapy, innovative drug therapies, the use of biomaterials, high-throughput screening analyses and clinical research in biotherapy.
These training courses are open to scientific students, doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians and/or engineers, depending on the course.
Scientific curriculum - Recommended platforms of the Master of Life Sciences & Health:
Platform M1 Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology (for the 5 courses - mainly taught in French)
- M1 Biology-Health - Genetics, molecular and cellular biology platform (Evry site)
- M1 Biology-Health - Genetics, Molecular And Cellular Biology Platform (Orsay Site)
- M1 Biology-Health - Genetics, Molecular And Cellular Biology Platform (Versailles Site)
Platform M1 Physiology and pathophysiology ( for the 5 courses – mainly taught in French)
- M1 Biology-Health - Physiology And Physiopathology Platform (Orsay Site)
- M1 Biology-Health - Physiology And Physiopathology Platform (Evry Site)
- M1 Biology-Health - Physiology And Physiopathology Platform (Versailles Site)
Platform M1 Biochemistry & Biotechnology (only for BiV – mainly taught in French)
- M2 Aging biology (Taught mainly in French)
- M2 Biotherapies: Tissue, Cell, Gene (taught in english)
- M2 Cancerology (Taught mainly in French)
- M2 Gene, Cell, Development (Taught in English)
- M2 Immunology (Taught mainly in French)
Doctoral Schools of the Graduate School Life Sciences & Health attached to the Graduate Program Oncology & Biotherapy:
Research forces of the Graduate Program Biotherapy & Oncology
- More than 35 Research Laboratories including institutes dedicated to Cancer Research and/or Biotherapies
- More than 70 research teams or platforms
Contact list of the Research Teams
The Teaching- Research-Innovation strengths of this Graduate Program are particularly involved in the following interdisciplinary initiatives:
- ISIT (Institute for Research in Health and Therapeutic Innovation)
- LivingMachines@Work (Understanding the fundamental molecular mechanisms of life, innovating in Health and Biotechnology)
- INanoRad (Institute of Nanotechnologies and Radiation based Therapies)
Interdisciplinary initatives Hospital – Research – University – Innovation:
- University Hospital Departments (DHU): DHU-Hepatinov (, DHU-TORINO (Thorax Innovation,…)
- University Hospital Health Research (RHU) -… : RHU LUMIERE (LUng cancer & Microbiota Interactions for Imunotherapy Efficacy in REfractory patients), RHU MyProbe (breast cancer)
- University Hospital Institutes (IHU): IHU PACRI (Paris Alliance of Cancer Research Institutes), IHU PRISM (National Precision Oncology Centre)
- University Hospital Federations (FHU): FHU CARE (Cancer and Autoimmune / inflammatory diseases Relationships -