Graduate programs
The GS LSH enables synergies between Research-Teaching-Innovation actors and students by promoting exchanges between these communities within Graduate programs. The GS LSH is organized in 12 disciplinary and/or thematic graduate programs that bring together Master's and Doctoral programs and Research teams. In addition, a transverse MD-PhD type graduate program will be dedicated to obtaining both a PhD & a Doctorate degree in Medicine. The GS LSH is open internationally with 3 M1 and 9 M2 curriculums taught in English.
Doctoral Schools
1 - Structure and dynamics of living systems (SDSV) 2 - Signalling and integrative networks in biology (BIOSIGNE)
3 - Oncology, Biology, Medicine, Health (CBMS) 4 - Therapeutic Innovation: from the fundamental to the applied (ITFA)
5 - Agriculture, Food, Biology, Environment, Health (ABIES) 6 - Plant sciences: from genes to ecosystems (SEVE)