What is BiblioHAL?

BiblioHAL is an application that retrieves your publications from various databases and enables you to push them to HAL by proposing that you add the full text (the final version of the manuscript accepted for publication).

Regarding the versions accepted for deposit in HAL, this page will provide you with the necessary information.

BiblioHAL and ORCID

The University has developed the BiblioHAL application which uses the interconnections allowed by ORCID to facilitate the deposit of your publications in the HAL open archive:  https://bibliolabs.universite-paris-saclay.fr/bibliohal/login-with-orcid

  • Authentication to the "BiblioHAL" deposit interface with your ORCID login

Connect to BiblioHAL by entering your ORCID login directly. You can also create one for yourself at the same time.

  • Automatic entry of your publication references on HAL from ORCID (coming soon)

The publications listed on your ORCID page will automatically be proposed for inclusion in HAL.

  • Automatic update of your ORCID profile (coming soon)

Publications in BiblioHAL may appear on your ORCID page if they are not already there.

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