Complementary doctoral activities and training
In France, the PhD degree has plural objectives. In addition of the research training, the PhD also includes complementary work and course (some of them are compulsory). Thoses activities are thoughtful, planned and adaptable. They must contibute to the development of skills of future doctors, defined in the 22 February 2019 decree, which registred the PhD in the national directory of professional certification.
Objectives and expectations

PhD training plans
- Training plans for PhD students: Objectives, expectations and validation of complementary PhD training and activities. A guide to understand the principles common to all doctoral schools (translation in coming)
A skills-based approach
- Design a research process
- Do, get done and collaborate
- To share

PhD training plans adapted to each and everyone
- Mobilizable from the beginning of the thesis
- For professional mobility
- Mobilizable through long term

Develop your professional skills through action
Parcours "R&D en entreprise"
Le parcours R&D atteste du suivi d’un certain nombre de formations et une expérience de l’entreprise permettant au doctorant d’acquérir une première culture de la R&D en entreprise.
The "All Experts!" Pathway
The Maison du Doctorat of the Université Paris-Saclay offers the "All Experts!" pathway which aims to train PhDs who wish to discover the practice of consulting and expertise.