The "All Experts!" Pathway
The Maison du Doctorat of the Université Paris-Saclay offers the "All Experts!" pathway which aims to train PhDs who wish to discover the practice of consulting and expertise.
The pages of the cross-curricular courses are currently being modified. Differences may therefore be noted as they occur.
For more information : formations.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr; aurelie.dudezert@imt-bs.eu
Objectif général du parcours et public cible
A tailor-made doctoral training pathway to learn how to advise and promote one's expertise to companies
Many doctoral students after their thesis wish to move into consultancy either to make the most of their expertise developed during the thesis or to work in a more 'generalist' consultancy practice (strategy or organisation consultancy). At the same time, young doctors who choose to work in research after their doctorate are increasingly solicited during their career as experts or consultants in their field of expertise (research funding on contracts with companies, associations, institutions, etc.). The aim of this training course is to present this professional practice and to enable doctoral students to develop basic skills in this field.
If there is an expert on your subject, it is you!
During your PhD you develop a unique knowledge of a scientific field. You become an expert on your research topic and this expertise is of interest to the academic community but also to many other organisations. At the same time, your research practice leads you to develop skills that allow you to conduct expert work on subjects other than your thesis topic. In this way, you will develop the skills of data collection, analysis, perspective-taking, synthesis and restitution that are the basis of the profession of consultant and expert for companies and institutions.
This training pathway has been designed to help you consolidate your knowledge and know-how with a view to carrying out expertise, studies or consultancy in your future professional activity as a researcher or company practitioner.
Détail du parcours
Two teaching methods are proposed:
- « All Experts ! » Discovery
- « All Experts ! » Label
The "All Experts!" Discovery course is open to all doctoral students of the Université Paris Saclay upon compulsory registration. It takes place over one day (Thursday 17 February 2022) and is divided into two parts.
- OVERVIEW /The Business and Practice of Consulting
Presentation of the role of the consultant; the consulting market; the status of expertise and consulting, the professional practice of consulting, its hierarchy, the role of ethics; the skills of the consultant and the contribution of the doctorate to develop this practice
- Life as a consultant - Meet the practitioners
During this round table, doctoral students will be able to exchange with doctors who have become consultants in various organisations. These testimonies will shed light on the contribution of the doctorate to the daily practice of consulting.
The "All Experts!" Label is reserved for doctoral students who want to work on developing their skills in consulting and expertise to companies through a real-life situation.
The number of places on this programme is limited to 16 doctoral students per year and is aimed primarily at doctoral students who have completed the "Tous Experts! Discovery pathway. This course takes place face-to-face and allows doctoral students to apply for the "Tous Experts!" label from Université Paris Saclay.
Participation in all sessions is mandatory to validate the training.
The training will take place on Wednesday 30 March in the afternoon and on Thursday 31 March and Friday 1 April all day.
Presentation of the training and focus on the consultant's deliverable
During this session, the doctoral students will work on the methodological tools that will enable them to carry out the mission they will be entrusted with. This session will address the following questions in particular:
- What is an expertise or consultancy deliverable?
- How is a consultancy or advisory deliverable structured?
- How do you draft a commercial proposal and an expertise or consultancy deliverable?
- How do you draw up an estimate for a consultancy or advisory service?
- How do you invoice a consultancy or advisory deliverable?
The consultant's mission
Mise en situation : Lors de deux journées, les doctorants devront réaliser en groupe une mission d’expertise pour un client. Cette mission leur sera présentée en début de séance. Durant les deux jours ils seront accompagnés dans la réalisation de leur mission et devront ensuite restituer leur travail au client à la fin de la seconde journée. Un prix sera remis par le client pour la meilleure prestation.
Skills acquired or implemented in this pathway
Each training module will be indexed with the competences developed. Thus, it is possible to validate the six blocks of competences at the end of your PhD.
Valuation of the course
The Label is awarded to doctoral students who follow the entire course and who have participated in a significant action for the practical part, i.e. the 3 stages
Contact : Aurélie Dudézert, Professeur, Institut Mines Télécom Business School