Research at the PSIA2 institute
- Promote collaborative research activities in the aerospace field (scientific publications, responses to calls for proposals, seminars) and make them visible to socio-economic partners
- Pooling certain digital resources (software tools, computing resources) or experimental resources (platforms)
PSIA2 is focused on the impacts, design and piloting of aeronautical and spacecraft:
- Modeling aeronautical and space platforms, their properties, their components, the controls and flight systems
- Develop innovative modes of propulsion with a reduced footprint
- Bringing together research and engineering, through training and the establishment of spaces for exchange and collaboration, via a global multidisciplinary approach
Scientific axes
- Axis 1: Propulsion/Energy which concerns the modes of propulsion of aeronautics and astronautics
- Axis 2: Fluids/Structures/Materials which includes studies in fluid and solid mechanics for aircraft and in materials science for the architecture of all types of aeronautical and space vehicles
- Axis 3: Control/Systems which concerns the management and control of flight commands, the optimization of isolated or swarm trajectories, or the man/machine interface
Underlying these three axes is a common concern: the environmental and societal impacts of air mobility and space activities.
Research labs
CPPS - Federation of Chemical Physics of Paris-Saclay University
>> Jean-Philippe Renault
-- 10 fac. members and 5 PhD and Postdoc
- Fast kinetics; Combustion chemistry; Surface chemistry
DAVID - Data and Algorithms for a Smart and Sustainable City
>> Leila Kloul
-- 1 fac. member and 1 PhD
- Safety Analysis, Formal Modeling techniques, Maintenance
EM2C - Molecular and Macroscopic Energetics, Combustion Laboratory
>> Sébastien Ducruix
-- 40 fac. members and 40 PhD and Postdoc
- Combustion, gas radiation, plasmas, heat transfers
- Numerical simulations, diagnostics, theory, modeling
- Propulsion, atmospheric re-entry, combustion instabilities, decarbonized energy, hydrogen, reduction of polluting emissions, reduction of noise emissions
FAST - Fluids, Automation and Thermal Systems
>> Lamine Hattali
-- 4 faculty members
- Flexural quasi-static and fatigue behaviours of fused filament deposited
- Interfacial fracture toughness: measurement in both steady state and transient regimes using four-point bending test
- Assessment of non-uniform residual stress field of the thermal sprayed stainless steel coatings on aluminium substrates
- Profilometers for multi-scale surface characterization
- Brittle fracture
GeePs - Group of Electrical Engineering of Paris
>> Claude Marchand
-- 10 fac. members and 10 PhD and Postdoc
- Electrification of systems: design, control
- Characterization of materials: coupled phenomena, multiphysics behavior
I2BC - Institute of Integrative Cell Biology
>> Bruno Robert
-- 8 fac. members and 8 PhD and Postdoc
- Terpene production by cyanobacteria bioengineering
- Production of solar fuels by photocatalysis
IBISC - Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Complex Systems
>> Dalil Ichalal
-- 11 fac. members and 4 PhD and Postdoc
The aeronautics and space activity within the team focuses on issues of modeling, control, observation, perception, planning and generation of trajectories and fault tolerant diagnosis and control applied to:
- Autonomous drones for the surveillance of engineering structures, parcel delivery or precision agriculture: this activity raises theoretical issues on the control of a fleet of drones requiring new methodologies combining approaches of classical automation with communication networks between drones (networked controlled systems)
- Airships for freight transport: this application aims to bring more autonomy to airships through modeling, control/command and trajectory planning
- Reusable rockets: This activity aims to design a demonstrator of a rocket whose propulsion stage can land and be used for other launch missions.
- Multimodal perception by unconventional vision (visual odometry, SLAM).
ICMMO - Institute of Molecular Chemistry and Materials of Orsay
>> David Aitken
-- 10 fac. members and 10 PhD and Postdoc
- Hybridization/electrification of aircraft (batteries, supercapacitors); alternative fuels synthesis of temperature resistant polymer materials, composites, surface modification and functionalization
- Microstructure and texture control in relation to thermal and thermomechanical treatments (Ni-based superalloys, Titanium alloys...);
- Additive manufacturing (Titanium, Superalloys...);
- Relation between microstructure and mechanical and magnetic properties of alloys
ICP - Institute of Chemical Physics
>> Joël Lemaire
-- 2 fac. members
Development of transportable mass spectrometers for the measurement of emissions in real time (currently implemented in the automotive field), either for the characterization of engines or in confined environments.
IDEST- Institute of Law, Space and Technology
>> Vincent Correia
-- 3 fac. members
- Law; economics; politics
IGPS - Paris-Saclay Galien Institute
>> Thanh Duc Mai
-- 1 fac. members and 1 PhD and Postdoc
- Instrumental conception and development of new technologies for analytical science
- Applications: New designs of microscale electrophoresis for separation of target analytes; Microfluidics and droplets for sample processin; Modular instrumentation (inspired from Lego-toy concept)
ILV - Lavoisier Institute of Versailles
>> David Kreher
-- 4 fac. members
- Hybrid materials; Nanomaterials for energy; Molecules
L2S - Signals and Systems Laboratory
>> Sihem Tebbani
-- 9 fac. members and 9 PhD and Postdoc
- Systems and Control, Signal Processing and Statistics, Networks and Communication.
- Among the research topics, we can mention for example:
- Optimization of trajectories and guidance of launchers, UAVs (including UAV fleet), and multi-agent systems.
- Trajectory and attitude control of launchers, satellites, and drones.
- Control, estimation, diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control.
- Vibration control
- Spectral analysis applied to fault detection by vibration analysis for certification or predictive maintenance.
- Location/separation of acoustic sources.
LATMOS - Atmospheres and Space Observations Laboratory
>> Philippe Keckhut
-- 3 fac. members
- Climatic effect of contrails
LEM - Laboratory for the Study of Microstructures
>> Yann Le Bouar
-- 8 fac. members and 4 PhD and Postdoc
- Modeling of aeronautical alloys
- Electron microscopy characterization (catalytic particles, aeronautical soot, aeronautical alloys)
- Nanomaterials
LGI - Industrial Engineering Laboratory
>> Guy André Boy
-- 2 fac. members and 1 PhD and Postdoc
- Future Air Combat System (Cockpit and Control Room Design)
- Virtual Control Tower
- Lunar Exploration
- Human Systems Integration (Manned Space Missions and Air System Evolution)
LISN – Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Digital Sciences
>> Caroline Nore
-- 9 fac. members and 7 PhD and Postdoc
- Fluid-structure interactions
- Robust optimization of composite laminates under reliability constraints
- Learning aircraft vibration environment (LM & BP)
- Aerodynamic sensitivity analysis
- Energy transfer in turbulent flows (with or without magnetic field)
- Human-machine haptic interactions
- Optimization of parallel computations on GPU, and parallelization of Machine Learning algorithms
- Parallelization of tensor computation to accelerate simulations
LISV - Versailles Systems Engineering Laboratory
>> Luc Chassagne
-- 1 fac. member
- Innovative materials, structural calculation, mechanics, simulation
LMEE - Laboratory of Mechanics and Energetics of Evry
>> Amer Chpoun
-- 4 fac. members
- Supersonic nozzles (space propulsion)
- Modal type models, associated with thermal problems
LMO - Mathematics Laboratory of Orsay
>> Benjamin Graille
-- 3 fac. members
Simulations in fluid mechanics; Boltzmann methods on network; Optimization
LMT - Mechanics and Technology Laboratory
>> Pierre-Alain Boucard
-- 15 permanents et 15 doctorants ou postdocs
- Mechanics of materials and structures; fine experimentation; non-destructive testing
- Numerical modeling; high performance computing for mechanics
- Noise and vibration reduction
- Modeling of 3D interlock weaving and 3D interlock fabrics
- Structural and multifunctional composites (long carbon or glass fibers), conductive paint
LMV - Laboratory of Mathematics of Versailles
>> Christophe Chalons
-- 2 fac. members
- Modeling and simulation of two-phase flows
- Modeling and simulation of rarefied flows at high altitude
LSCE - Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory
>> Didier Hauglustaine
-- 3 fac. members and 3 PhD and Postdoc
- Impact of aviation on the environment. Air quality. Climate.
- Nitrogen oxides and ozone in the upper troposphere.
- CO2 emissions and carbon balance
LURPA - Production Research Laboratory
>> Charyar Mehdi-Souzani
-- 4 fac. members
- Development of the digital twin product or/and process for the assembly of large flexible assemblies.
- Development of robotized measurement on production line.
- Integration of the measurement in the production line for the development of predictive model for the control of the quality through the analysis of the data and the retro-control of the process.
MICS – Mathematics and Computer Science for Complexity and Systems Laboratory
>> Frédéric Magoulès
-- 5 fac. members and 3 PhD and Postdoc
- Mathematics / High Performance Computing / Computer Science
- Modeling, Analysis, Scientific Computing, Numerical Simulation
- Theoretical analysis, Numerical analysis, Statistical AI (Artificial Intelligence),
- Acoustics, Vibro-Acoustics, Structural Mechanics
MSSMat - Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Structures and Materials
>> Véronique Aubin
-- 6 fac. members and 10 PhD and Postdoc
- Non destructive testing
- Noise reduction and vibration
- Modeling of 3D interlock weaving and 3D interlock fabrics
- Structural and multi-functional composites (long fiber carbon or glass), conductive paint
NIMBE - Nanosciences and Innovation for Materials, Biomedicine and Energy
>> Serge Palacin
-- 8 fac. members and 6 PhD and Postdoc
- Alternative fuels, aging of materials, physical chemistry of aerosols, corrosion and corrosion protection, laminated composites
ONERA/DAAA – ONERA Department of Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity, Acoustics
>> Olivier Marquet
-- 4 fac. members and 2 PhD and Postdoc
- Aerodynamics; Aeroelasticity; Acoustics; Shape optimization; Aircraft concept studies
ONERA/DMAS - ONERA Department of Materials and Structures
>> Frédéric Laurin
-- 10 fac. members and 30 PhD and Postdoc
- Development of metallic materials and coatings for turbomachinery and space systems
- Development of ceramic matrix and ceramic composites for high temperature aerospace applications
- Durability; Behavioral law;s Estimation of service life; Design optimization; Numerical materials; Test-calculation dialogue; Virtual Testing data mining and machine learning
ONERA/DMPE - ONERA Department of Multiphysics for Energy
>> Joël Dupays
-- 40 fac. members and 10 PhD and Postdoc
- Propulsion; energy
- Fluids; structures; materials
ONERA/DOTA - ONERA Department of Optics and Associated Techniques
>> Claudine Besson
-- 20 fac. members and 5 PhD and Postdoc
- Development of new optical sensors for:
- Characterization of soot, ice crystals (emission)
- Development of new for the detection and quantification of gases (passive and active sensors)
- Characterization of contrails, for the detection of turbulence, including clear sky turbulence - Development of airborne measurements
- Atmospheric radiative transfer, optical properties of ice crystals
ONERA/DPHY - ONERA Department of Physics, Instrumentation, Environment and Space
>> Alexandre Bresson
-- 40 fac. members and 15 PhD and Postdoc
- Innovative inertial instruments for guidance-navigation, geodesy or fundamental physics, based on micro/nanotechnologies, electrostatic or atomic interferometry
- Methods and instruments for metrological characterization of flows and plasmas, based on optical spectroscopy, sensors or specific sources such as tunable lasers, OPO, LIDAR, photo-acoustics, etc.
- Plasma sources and electric thrusters
- Lightning and its impact on aircraft
- Aerospace environment and its effects on materials and electronic components, as well as the resulting loading and contamination on satellites
ONERA/DTIS - ONERA Department of Information Processing and Systems
>> Hélène Piet-Lahanier
-- 10 fac. members and 10 PhD and Postdoc
- Control / Systems
SATIE - Information and energy technology systems and applications
>> Samir Bouaziz
-- 4 fac. members
- Artificial Intelligence for predictive maintenance: evaluation of the remaining life time for certain equipment, in order to reduce the ecological footprint of this industry
- Artificial Intelligence for "Optimized flight performance", Training and education
- Proposal of a path linked to external aerodynamics and oriented towards digital simulation (with the "distributed point sources method" - DPSM).
SCCME - Department of Corrosion and Behavior of Materials in their Environment
>> Fanny Balbaud-Célérier
-- 6 fac. members and 3 PhD and Postdoc
- Corrosion of materials in severe environments: high pressure, high temperature, aggressive environments
- Development of thermodynamic databases on high temperature materials
- Numerical design of innovative materials by thermodynamic approach
SPEC - Condensed State Physics
>> Vadim Nikolayev
-- 7 fac. members and 8 PhD and Postdoc
- Fundamental aspects of turbulence, in relation with atmospheric, climatic, geophysical and astrophysical models
- Experimental, numerical and theoretical studies on turbulence and its application to energy dissipation
- Study of the oscillating heat pipe as a heat exchanger for microgravity components
- Physics of boiling, in particular, in space
- Study and development of new (meta)materials that are ultralight and resistant to deformation and fracture
SPMS - Structures, Properties and Modeling of Solids
>> Guilhem Dezanneau
-- 2 fac. members and 2 PhD and Postdoc
- Hydrogen: we have been testing and working for 20 years on the formulation, shaping and analysis of fuel cell materials. Within the framework of the development of the hydrogen aircraft, we can work on the development of fuel cells for the new hydrogen-powered APUs.
- Piezoelectrics: we are also working on the development of piezoelectric sensors and transducers. These can be used as sensors or energy sources for control systems. We are also working on the development of high temperature dielectrics for embedded electronics.