Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

A scientific institute for innovative concepts and environmental impact studies
The Paris-Saclay Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (PSIA2) aims to federate and make visible the scientific activities around aerospace and its impacts, within the perimeter of the University . It has three components: training, research, and promotion/communication with companies. It was created in January 2022.
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Next events
- CentraleSupélec, MICS & Nvidia GPU Research Center and ENS Paris-Saclay, LMPS
organize the thematic day on Advances in Asynchronous Domain Decomposition Methods
Friday 12th of May 2023 - Amphithéâtre Dorothy Hodgkin, ENS Paris Saclay, 4 Av. des Sciences, 91190 Gif-sur-YvetteProgram of the thematic day

Partner trainings

Relations with industry
Section in progress

Calls for proposals

Jobs, thesis subjects, internships

PSIA2 teams

Communication tools

News and Events

Media library
Section in progress
The Institute is a partner of several of the University's Graduate Schools: Engineering and Systems Sciences GS; Chemistry GS; Geosciences, Climate, Environment, Planets GS; Computer Science GS; Research and Higher Education GS. The Institute is also linked to the Economics & Management, Law, Mathematics and Physics Graduate Schools.
The PSIA2 project is supported by: ONERA (National Research Organization dedicated to aerospace research, partner of Paris-Saclay University), ENS Paris-Saclay and CentraleSupelec (Higher education and research, members of the University of Paris-Saclay)

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