Gender Equality Week 2025

Equality - Diversity - Disability Article published on 20 February 2025 , Updated on 28 February 2025

To mark international Women’s Day, Université Paris-Saclay deploys, every year, a vast range of actions for its students, PhD candidates and staff. This year, the university has chosen to showcase the publication of its “Action Plan for Professional Gender Equality” (Plan d'action relatif à l'égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes) to highlight the issues surrounding professional equality, with new measures for students and the reinforcement of actions which are applicable to the university’s grandes écoles and associate member institutions.

This tenth edition of the Gender Equality Week is also an opportunity to promote the university’s Inclusion & Diversity Incident Report unit, which is available to help victims and witnesses of sexual and gender-based violence, harassment and discrimination, supporting them to report cases anonymously.

Actions and events at the university throughout the month of March


  • A pop-up book shop showcasing feminist books with Liragif.


  • Tuesday 4 March, 12:30pm – 2pm, room 1Z56 (4 avenue des Sciences, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette): screening of the documentary Women on the Move, attended by the film’s two directors, followed by a debate. Registration required
  • Tuesday 4 March, 6:30pm, Scène de Recherche: performance of the play Rembobiner by the Marthe collective about the work of the feminist film director Carole Roussopoulos. Registration required
  • Thursday 6 March, 6:30pm, amphithéâtre Alain Aspect: conference entitled Are Muslim women not women? by Anne Karimi, lecturer at Université de Strasbourg. Registration for external audiences by email at:
  • Monday 17 - Wednesday 19 March, atrium Germaine Tillion:  exhibition Infinités plurielles by Marie-Hélène Le Ny - a series of 30 portraits of women scientists, showcasing their work and commitment. 
  • Friday 14 March, 9am – 11:30am, room 1Z56: event Des livres pour en débattre, on the topic of “Women and the arts”.
  • Thursday 27 March, 2 – 3pm, room 1Z56:  event Des livres pour en débattre, on the topic of “Women and work”.
  • Screening of the film Oui, mais non followed by a debate; documentary on gender stereotypes and the obstacles to professional and academic equality.


  • Thursday 6 March, 12 – 2pm, Maupertuis building (Bâtiment des Sciences – Rue du Père Jarlan, 91000 Évry): Superheroines in Tech, activities about women of colour in videogaming and a self-defence experience for women using virtual reality.
  • Conference and debate on the end of marital duty in France: legal and social analysis of the concept, led by experts in law and sociology. 
  • Fictional debate on the rewriting of the Civil Code: an interactive workshop where students and lecturers can make amendments to the articles concerning gender equality.


  • Thursday 27 March, 9am – 5:30pm, Room Georges Vedel – Building G (54, Boulevard Desgranges, 92331 Sceaux): a study day on Violence in intimate relationships: thinking and moving forward, under the patronage of Alexandra Louis, interministerial delegate for victim support. Registration required

The Action Plan for Gender Equality

The Action Plan for Gender Equality marks the university’s permanent and unwavering commitment to achieving equality for all of the members of its community. It summarises the policy for inclusion and diversity which the university has been committed to since it was created and outlines the main actions deployed to create a working and study environment without sexual and gender-based violence and discrimination.

It focuses predominantly on professional equality, by looking at equal access to education and employment, work-life balance, gender pay gaps and discrimination.

Read the action plan (only available in French): Link to the action plan

Spotlight on how to report incidents

Since the start of the 2024 academic year, Université Paris-Saclay has broadened the scope of its incident report unit, renamed the Inclusion & Diversity Incident Report unit. All of the university’s students, PhD candidates, academic or administrative staff can file a report if they are victims or witnesses of the following events:

  • psychological or sexual harassment
  • discrimination (based on gender, ethnicity, social origin, religion, sexual orientation, etc.)
  • sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

If you are a victim or witness of violence, harassment or discrimination, you can file a report using the anonymous form or by sending an email to: