MICrobiologie de l'ALImentation au Service de la Santé Humaine (MICALIS)
Laboratory supervisorsINRAE, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratory website
Laboratory presentation
MICALIS develops innovative research in the field of Microbiology of Food for Health. The researchers at this unique institute in France are working on the study of food and intestinal microbial ecosystems and interactions with the host, emergence and control of opportunistic foodborne pathogenic microorganisms as well as microbial systemic and synthetic biology. The institute is home to 5 technological platforms: - Axenic animal facility - Microscopy and imaging of microorganisms, Southwestern Paris proteomic analysis - Microbial-yeast resources - Preindustrial demonstration of intestinal metagenomics. The work and patents on the improvement of the production of edible leaven, the prevention of the microbiological risk in the food chain and the production of tools for the diagnosis of human pathologies and nutritional and probiotic strategies, allows the institue to be an active socio-economic partner (Probiox, Danone).