Laboratoire Charles Fabry (LCF)

Laboratory presentation

Charles Fabry Laboratory (LCF) conducts high-level research activities in many fields of optics, from basic themes such as atomic optics, quantum optics, nanophotonics, light-matter interaction and nonlinear optics, to more applied themes such as laser sources, XUV optics, biophotonics and imaging. The quality of research at LCF has resulted in a high number of international (ERC, FP7, H2020), national (ANR) and local (Labex PALM and NanoSaclay) research contracts. LCF has developed a partnership with Safran as part of a joint Chair dedicated to Ultimate Photonics. The LCF takes part in Equipex Cilex-Apollon (Laser 10 PW), Attolab (attosecond sources) and Morphoscope (multi-scale in-vivo imaging) projects and coordinates the XUV (Cemox) thin film processing plant. The LCF is strongly involved in a research partnership with the economic and industrial fabric (collaboration contracts, CIFRE doctoral candidates, joint laboratories, creation of start-ups).