Graduate School Sport Mouvement Facteurs Humains : News
Key events of 2024
UPCOMING: 3rd edition of the conference on innovative and combinatorial therapies: July 2, 2024
UPCOMING: Doctorate degree graduation ceremony: June 28, 2024
UPCOMING: Master's degree graduation ceremony: May 31, 2024
Educational Initiatives Day: March 27, 2024
Philémon Marcel-Millet: Young Researcher Portrait
Arnaud Boutin: Defense of the habilitation to supervise research at Paris-Saclay University, March 21, 2024
Symposium on Partnership Research Serving Sports Performance: March 14, 2024
2nd EUGLOH Challenge: March 11, 2024
The works of Neva Béraud-Peigné: several exciting publications to discover
"La Joliot-Curie" running race organized by M1 Sports Management students: February 29, 2024
Noctiraid organized by M2 Sport, Leisure, and Event Management students: February 10 and 11, 2024
Caroline Teulier: Defense for the authorization to supervise research at Université Paris-Saclay: February 12, 2024
Continuing Education Day: February 2, 2024
8th MeetinGS: February 1, 2024
7th MeetinGS: January 25, 2024
M2 SLEM Alumni Evening: January 19, 2024
M2 SLEM Promotion Sponsor Meeting: January 17, 2024
International Seminar: January 15 and 16, 2024

3rd edition of the conference on innovative and combinatorial therapies
Organized by Genopole, the University of Evry Paris-Saclay, and the LBEPS (Laboratory of Exercise Biology for Performance and Health)
On the agenda:
• Exchanges with specialists in pre-clinical and clinical research across the spectrum of several pathologies. • An opening debate on these issues during a round table.
More information click HERE

8th edition of the doctoral graduation ceremony of Université Paris-Saclay
Université Paris-Saclay organizes an annual graduation ceremony in honor of its PhD graduates!
The next one will include all doctors who defended their thesis between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, to honor them!
It will take place on Friday, June 28, 2024, at the CentraleSupelec premises.
For more information click HERE

GS SMFH Master's Degree Graduation Ceremony
Congratulations to our 2023 Master's graduates!
We look forward to seeing you on Friday, May 31, 2024, at 6 pm in the Eiffel building of CentraleSupelec.
Gilles ERB, President of the FFTT, and holder of a STAPS Ph.D. from Université Paris-Saclay, will have the honor of being the patron of this ceremony.

Marie Gernigon : Defense of Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR) at the University of Paris-Saclay
for : Marie Gernigon, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sport Sciences of the University of Paris Saclay
Date and time of the defense: April 9, 2024, at 2 PM
Defense location: Faculty of Sport Sciences - Building 335, Room 123 – Bures-sur-Yvette
Title of the work: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Adaptations to Deficit in Dioxygen: For Health and Performance
Summary of the work:
This HDR thesis provides a comprehensive synthesis of my past, current, and future research work which mainly addresses the cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations to dioxygen deficit during exercise. The first part focused on the dependency of cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations – as observable through the occurrence of the plateau of – on specific exercise modalities surrounding athletes' incremental tests. In the second part is presented the effectiveness of walking transcutaneous oxygen pressure (tcpO2) and Global Positioning System (GPS) in assessing the level of ischemia during the walk in patients suffering from peripheral arterial disease. The third part is devoted to my current research which consists of testing the effects of training with Ischemic PreConditioning (IPC) and Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) on the cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations and responses of diabetic patients and athletes. Finally, my perspectives for future research, which are a continuation of my current work on IPC and BFR, are developed.
Composition of the Jury :
CONNES, Philippe, Professeur des Universités et Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
(France), Reviewer
PERREY, Stéphane, Professeur des Universités, Université de Montpellier (France),
VINET-JULLIAN, Agnès, Professeure des Universités, Université d´Avignon et des Pays du
Vaucluse (France), Reviewer
GORDON, Dan, Associate Professor, Anglia Ruskin University (UK) & Université Paris-
Saclay (France), Examiner
THOMAS-JUNIUS, Claire, Professeure des Universités, Université d'Evry Paris-Saclay
(France), Examiner
VARRAY, Alain, Professeur des Universités, Université de Montpellier (France), Examiner

Educational initiatives day
Incorporating the diversity of learners into the design of teaching. Why? How?
For more information click here

Young Researcher Profile: Philémon Marcel Millet
He is a member of the Laboratory of Exercise Biology for Performance and Health (LBEPS) (UPSacay/UEVE/IRBA, Evry) and works on thermoregulation in exercise-induced heat stroke in a military environment.
For more information click here

Arnaud Boutin : Defense of Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR) at the University of Paris-Saclay
for : Arnaud BOUTIN, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sport Sciences of the University of Paris Saclay, CIAMS laboratory
Date and time of the defense: Thursday, March 21 at 2 PM, building 335 (Pociello amphitheater)
Location of the defense (complete address with the defense room), if the defense takes place via
videoconference, access modality: Faculté des Sciences du Sport, 335 Rue Pierre de Coubertin,
91440 Bures-sur-Yvette, France
Title of the work : The fate of motor memory: From creation to consolidation
Summary of the work:
This manuscript provides a comprehensive synthesis of my past, present, and future research
work. The first chapter, subdivided into three sections, offers an in-depth review and discussion
of my previous work, developing fundamental theories/concepts and behavioral and
neuroimaging studies. The first section presents my experimental studies aimed at determining
how the brain encodes sequential movements during learning and the influence of sensorimotor
representation on skill generalization. The second section outlines my theoretical and
experimental work on the neurophysiological substrates underlying the learning and
consolidation of motor sequences during sleep. Finally, the last section of this first chapter is
dedicated to the role of conscious awareness of actions in motor learning and consolidation.
Following on from this previous work, new research perspectives are emerging, and a second
chapter provides an overview of my current and future research projects. These projects include
investigations on new populations and memory systems to generalize previous empirical findings
and theoretical models. In addition, more applied projects aimed at transferring fundamental
knowledge into practical settings are also explored. Finally, a third chapter summarizes my various
academic activities and responsibilities, both scientific and educational aspects, highlighting my
ability to lead and coordinate research activities.
Composition of the Jury :
Guillot Aymeric, Professeur des Universités, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (rapporteur)
Rauchs Géraldine, Directrice de recherche – Inserm, Université de Caen Normandie
Le Scanff Christine, Professeure des Universités, Université Paris-Saclay (rapportrice)
Jessica Tallet, Maître de Conférences – HDR, Université de Toulouse (examinatrice)
Simon Steib, Professeur des Universités, Heidelberg University (examinateur)

Symposium on Partnership Research Serving Sports Performance
How are relationships between research, the socio-economic world, and sports federations built?
For more informations click here

2nd EUGLOH Challenge
Following “EUGLOH on the move”, the 2nd EUGLOH challenge that encourages team physical activity will start on Monday, March 11 and is named “Walking through EUGLOH”.
Registrations are possible here:
This European challenge is led by the University of Paris-Saclay and particularly by the F2S.

Third Edition of the "La Joliot-Curie" Running Race
M1 Sport Management students from the Faculty of Sport Sciences at the University of Paris-Saclay are organizing the third edition of the "La Joliot-Curie" running race.
This charity race is a friendly, unifying event that brings together students, university users, and residents. It is an opportunity to gather as many people as possible, regardless of their age and fitness level, in one place. The proceeds will be donated to the Dunes of Hope association to promote physical activity for everyone, especially for individuals with disabilities.
This year, a new race format is being offered; you can choose between a 5 km race or a 10 km race crossing the Saclay plateau in the city of Gif sur Yvette. The start will be at 3 rue Joliot Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, at the science square.
Here are the important details to remember:
The race will take place on February 29, 2024, from 5:45 pm to 7:00 pm
Charity race benefiting the Dunes of Hope association
Registration required with the option to donate any amount of your choice to the association
Free for students and staff of the University of Paris Saclay
For outsiders: €4 for the 5km, €7 for the 10km
for Registrations
for more information

Noctiraid 2024 Edition
These Saturday, February 10, and Sunday, February 11, 2024, were marked by the fifteenth edition of Noctiraid, organized as every year by the Master 2 Sport Leisure and Event Management class of the Faculty of Sport Sciences of the University of Paris Saclay around their campus at Bures-sur-Yvette.
More information by following this link

Caroline Teulier: Defense of the Authorization to Supervise Research at the University of Paris-Saclay
by: Caroline Teulier, Associate Professor, CIAMS laboratory, University of Paris-Saclay
Date and time of the defense: February 12, 2024, 2:00 PM
Location of the defense: Amphitheater, Building 335, rue Pierre de Coubertin, 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette.
Zoom link to follow remotely:
Title of the work: Development and Stimulation of Motor Skills in Very Young Children
Summary of the work: This synthesis note focuses on the development and stimulation of motor skills in very young children. The first part deals with the characterization of locomotor coordinations during the first year of life from a behavioral and neurophysiological point of view. This part seeks to understand how and from what the first locomotor movements of babies are formed. The second part focuses on the manipulation of constraints to better stimulate motor development in typical children and in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Each part presents my past research works as well as the planned projects on these same themes.
Composition of the Jury :
Christine Assaiante, Directrice de Recherche CNRS, Université Aix-Marseille, rapportrice
Benoit, Bardy Professeur des Universités, Université de Montpellier, rapporteur
Isabelle Olivier, Professeur des Universités, Université Grenoble Alpes, rapportrice
Yannick Blandin, Professeur des Universités, Université de Poitiers, examinateur
Isabelle Siegler : Professeur des Universités, Université Paris-Saclay, examinatrice

Study Continuation Days
The GS SMFH is participating in the Study Continuation Days of the University of Paris-Saclay.
They will take place on Friday, February 2, 2024, from 2 pm to 5 pm
in building 425 (rue du Doyen Georges Poitou - 91400 Orsay) on the 1st floor, room 121
All Masters will be presented.
Come in large numbers!

8th MeetinGS
On Thursday, February 1st, we had the pleasure of welcoming Sophie Szopa, Vice-President of "Sustainable Development" at the Université Paris-Saclay and researcher at CEA with Valérie Masson-Delmotte in a MeetinGS of the GRADUATE SCHOOL Sport Mouvement Facteurs Humains . She presented the challenges of sustainable development for research and how to evolve our teaching in our faculty, in connection with sports and physical activities. Thank you for this very fruitful exchange which highlights the commitment of our University in this area.

M2 SLEM Alumni Evening
The students of the 2023-2024 M2 SLEM class organized an Alumni Evening aimed at bringing together current Master's students, alumni, and guest speakers.
This evening was a key moment during this academic year, offering the opportunity for M2 SLEM students to interact with former students who have since gained professional recognition in the field of sports management. The evening was an occasion to discuss career possibilities, various professional opportunities, and internships.

M2 SLEM Students Meeting with Class Patron, Laura Georges
The students of the 2023-2024 M2 SLEM class chose Laura Georges as the patron for their class and organized a meeting with her. Laura Georges is a former international football player who represented France at the highest level, and she is currently the Secretary General of the French Football Federation.
The meeting took place on January 17 at the University, allowing students to discuss various topics with her such as the role of women in sports, the future of football, the importance of self-confidence in sports, as well as the success in implementing and managing projects.
Subsequently, on Tuesday, February 6, the students had the opportunity to visit the French Football Federation, accompanied by Laura Georges. They also met François Vasseur, the marketing and commercial director of the FFF.
A big thank you to Laura Georges for these enriching discussions and this informative visit to the FFF.

International Seminar High-Level Sport: The Other Side of the Medals
The GS SMFH organized an International Seminar on Monday, January 15, and Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at the Christian Pociello amphitheater (building 335 - rue Pierre de Coubertin - 91440 Bures sur Yvette) on the theme: "High-Level Sport = The Other Side of the Medals", featuring several conferences and round tables.
Thank you to all the speakers and participants
Here is a look back in pictures: