Graduate School Sport, Mouvement, Facteurs Humains

The Graduate School of Sport, Movement, and Human Factors at the University of Paris-Saclay provides undeniable societal benifits through its focus on leisure, sporting events, teaching, education, prevention, health, aging, well-being, and disability. These themes impact the entire population, ranging from the youngest to the oldest, from beginners to elite athletes, and from individuals without disabilities to those with disabilities.
For quality teaching and research, its main mission is to ensure the achievement of the major challenges that have been set:
- Providing a dynamic environment
- Supporting excellent training
- Opening up internationally
It also benefits from a remarkable geographical scope of opportunities, including:
- High-level federal structures
- Quality equipment and sports environment
- A socio-economic and health network
Graduate School presentation
The Graduate School in figures
4 master’s mentions
3 international courses taught only in English
13 research laboratories for expanded scientific and technical skills
1 federative research structure: Demenÿ-Vaucanson Federation
1 doctoral school in Sports, Motor and Human Movement Sciences