GS Sport, Movement, Human Factors: Research
The Graduate School benefits from opportunities within the University of Paris-Saclay and the Paris region, which fosters the development of research around several main axes:
- Physical Education and Sports
- Adapted Physical Activity and health sport
- Training and Optimization of Sports Performance
- Sport management: sporting events and public policies
- Engineering in the service of human movement
- Fundamental and applied research in motor control, psychology, cognitive and behavioral neurosciences, exercise physiology, and biomechanics.
The Graduate School benefits from opportunities within the University of Paris-Saclay and the Paris region, which fosters the development of research around several main axes:
- Physical Education and Sports
- Adapted Physical Activity and health sport
- Training and Optimization of Sports Performance
- Sport management: sporting events and public policies
- Engineering in the service of human movement
- Fundamental and applied research in motor control, psychology, cognitive and behavioral neurosciences, exercise physiology, and biomechanics.
It also relies on several laboratories and research teams:
- Laboratoire CIAMS, « Complexité, Innovation, Activités Motrices et Sportives » (Université Paris-Saclay, Université d’Orléans)
- Laboratoire LBEPS, Laboratoire de biologie de l’exercice pour la performance et la santé (Université d’Évry, Institut de Recherches Biomédicales des Armées – IRBA)
- CIC 1429, Centre d’investigation clinique (APHP, INSERM)
- Unité END-ICAP, Handicap neuromusculaire : physiopathologie, biothérapie et pharmacologie appliquées (UVSQ, INSERM)
- Équipe de recherche ERPHAN, Equipe de Recherche Paramédicale sur le Handicap Neuromoteur (UVSQ)
- LISN, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique (CNRS)
- LISV, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Systèmes de Versailles (UVSQ)
- L2S, Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes (Université ParisSaclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec)
The thesis offers published by the Doctoral Schools within the scope of the GS
The thesis offers published by the Doctoral Schools within the scope of the GS