Graduate Program Systems & Synthetic Biology
The Graduate Program Systems & Synthetic Biology federates and coordinates the Master's degrees ,doctoral schools and research teams at the University of Paris-Saclay in the field of Systems and Synthetic Biology.This Graduate Program takes up the challenge of interdisciplinarity (Life Sciences ,Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry ,Physical and Computer Sciences ,Engineering Sciences) with a view to designing biological and/or bio-inspired systems with novel properties and predictable behavior.This Graduate Program integrates different levels of knowledge(from molecules to the organism via the cell) to understand how biological systems wor.Focused on innovation,Synthesis and System Biology proposes to take up original scientific and societal challenges at the heart of the issues of the future.
Keywords: Biobrics; Cell-free ; Design-Built-Test-Learn; Directed evolution; Ethics; Genetic engineering; Genome engineering; iGEM(International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition); Innovation; Machine learning; Metabolic engineering; Modeling; Molecular Biology; Pluridisciplinarity; Refactoring; Retrosynthesis; Synthetic Biology ; Systems Biology; Xenobiology
Master Programs
The Graduate Program Systems & Synthetic Biology offers a Master program specialized in the field of Systems and Synthesis Biology with international visibility.The objective of this training is to provide students in Life Sciences, Mathematics ,Engineering ,Chemistry, Physical and Computer Sciences with a means to engage fruitfully in collaborative work accross disciplinary boundaries, with applications in Systems biology and Synthesis Biology. Students in this program will gain pratical experience in experimental biology , modeling and design .They will also gain practical experience in experimental biology ,modeling and design.They also strengthen their cross-disciplinary skills.
by its interdisciplinary nature,this course is both linked to the Graduate school Life Sciences & Health and the Graduate School BioSphERA.
Scientific curricula, taught mainly in French:
Preferred M1 platform: Interfaces of Biology (Taught mainly in French)
The Platform Interfaces of Biology aims to provide students with biotechnological knowledge and practices that are now implemented in Basic Biology Research, and to introduce recent developments deployed in rapidly growing themes such as Systems and Synthesis Biology but also in Medical and Pharmaceutical Research. Priority is given to interdisciplinary approaches that combine computational and mathematical tools applicable to different biological scales (subcellular, cellular and multi-cellular).
Other possible M1 plateforms
M1 platforms Microbiology(Taught mainly in French)
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Microbiologie - Site Orsay
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Microbiologie - Site Versailles
M1 platforms Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology (Taught mainly in French)
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Génétique, Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire -Site Evry
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Génétique, Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire -Site Orsay
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Génétique, Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire -Site Versailles
Science curricula, (taught in English) : M1 International track in France
Platforms - M1 « Biochemistry & Biotechnology » of the Master Life Sciences & Health (Taught mainly in French)
M2 Systems and Synthetic Biology (taught in english )
Doctoral Schools of the Graduate School Life Sciences & Health attached to the Graduate Program Systems & Synthetic Biology
ED « Structure et Dynamics of living systems » (SDSV, ED 577)
ED « Oncology, Biology, Medicine, Health » (CBMS, ED 582)
ED « Agriculture, Food , Biology, Environment,Health » (ABIES, ED 581)
ED « Plant sciences :from genes to ecosystems » (SEVE, ED 567)
- 10 Research Laboratories, parts of which are entirely devoided towards Synthetic and Systems Biology. (GP12_Systems_Sythetic_Biology_LABOS)
- More than 20 Research teams (GP12_ Systems_Sythetic_Biology _TEAMS)
- The Graduate Program Systems and Synthetic Biology is involved in several networks such as MICROBES, or the EUR SPS Paris-Saclay (Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay), where it is particularly involved in developing areas related to synthetic and systems biology and/or the exploitation of the metabolic capacities of living organisms.
The Teaching-Research-Innovation strengths of this Graduate Program are particularly involved in the following interdisciplinary initiatives:
- LivingMachines@Work (Understanding the fundamental molecular mechanisms of life, innovating in Health and Biotechnology)
- MICROBES (Center for Interdisciplinary Microbial Sciences @Paris-Saclay)
- Paris-Saclay INR-HAFE (Paris-Saclay Institute of Natural Resources for Health, Agriculture, Food and Environment)
iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine competition)
iGEM ( is an international competition that was created by the prestigious MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to promote a new and growing discipline, synthetic biology. It has been held annually since 2004 in Boston, USA. Each iGEM team develops an ambitious project allowing it to win several prizes rewarding each aspect developed in the project as well as a gold medal crowning the whole project. It is a project that takes place over one year and ends in October during a big jamboree between all the teams of the world. About ten French teams take part in the competition (France is thus 3rd in Europe in terms of the number of iGEM teams), two of which are labelled Paris-Saclay: GO Paris-Saclay (GO for "Gif-Orsay") and Evry Paris-Saclay (on the Evry site). The aim is to form a multidisciplinary team, in Life Sciences, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering Sciences, Law, Art, Philosophy, for example, from level L to M, which contributes to Research on a project that the team designs and carries out. Students can thus discover all the facets of project management, from its development in a team to its practical implementation (laboratory experiments carried out mainly during the summer), its financing, its communication and its integration into the socio-economic world. This competition is a unique pedagogical experience that represents a real asset in the students' curriculum. It also contributes to the team spirit and entrepreneurial spirit and cultivates the identity of the University Paris-Saclay, represented by the students in the international competition.
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