Graduate Program Microbiology
The Graduate Program Microbiology federates and coordinates the Master's degrees, doctoral schools and research teams at the University of Paris-Saclay in Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Parasitology, Biology of Archaea and Sciences at the Interface with Microbiology (Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Physics, Bioinformatics, Mathematics, Engineering Sciences). This Graduate program is dedicated to the exploration of the microbial world (Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Viruses) at all scales: from the molecule to the cell, from the analysis of molecular interactions to cellular interactions in particular within complex microbial communities such as microbiotes, and/or in the context of interaction with a host. The Graduate Program Microbiology deploys teaching, research and innovation in order to understand the fundamental mechanisms governing the biology of microorganisms and viruses, to exploit the incredible properties and evolutionary capacities of the microbial world in Biotechnology, and to develop biocontrol and therapeutic strategies.
Covid19 News: Two teams of this Graduate Program are carrying research projects selected by REACTing's scientific board to fight against the Covid19 epidemic (
- Implementation of an experimental SARS-CoV-2 infection model in cynomolgus monkeys. Project leader: Roger Le Grand (Inserm, CEA, University of Paris-Saclay - National Infrastructure for Health Biology IDMIT)
- Development of a replicon for the Covid-19 coronavirus. Project leader: Jean-François Eléouët (INRAE), Molecular Virology and Immunology Unit.
In addition, 3 projects led by GP Microbiology teams are funded under the Flash call COVID-19 launched by the ANR:
- AM-Cov-Path: Pathogenesis of SARS-Cov-2 infection in a non-human primate model: a model for treatment and prevention. Roger LE GRAND (UMR-S 1184 IMVA-HB, IDMIT, CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses)
- ICARE: Initial COVID-19-associated SARS-CoV-2 Cell Atlas and Response. Isabelle SCHWARTZ (UMR 0892 - Molecular Virology and Immunology - VIM, INRAe/UVSQ/UPSaclay - Jouy-en-Josas)
- SARS2BlockEntry: Construction of nano-lines to block the SARS-CoV-2 entry. Bernard DELMAS (UMR 0892 - Molecular Virology and Immunology - VIM, INRAe/UVSQ/UPSaclay - Jouy-en-Josas)
Keywords: Antibiotics; Archaea; Bacteria; Biocontrol; Biofilms; Biosafety; Biotechnology; Coevolution; Eukaryotes; Fungi; Genetics ; Genetic engineering; Genomics; Host-microbe interaction; Infectious agents; Medical microbiology; Microbial communities; Microbiotes; Mycology; Parasitology; Pathogenesis; Phages; Prions; Protists; Symbioses; Therapies; Virology; Viruses
The Graduate Program Microbiology offers 5 Master programs (including 2 M1 and 3 M2 taught in English ), and covers the multiple disciplinary and interdisciplinary facets of Microbiology, from fundamental to applied, in Biotechnologies and Health. Synergies between the different courses allow us to propose courses adapted to the project of each student.
Scientific curricula ,taught in English :
- M1 Parcours international en France
- M1 infectiology : Biology of infectious Diseases au cambodge in partnership with l'Institut Pasteur du Cambodge et l'University of Health Sciences de Phnom Penh
Scientific curricula , taught mainly in French :
M1 platforms Microbiology(Taught mainly in French)
M1 Platforms Genetics,Molecular and Cellular Biology (Taught mainly in French)
- M1 Plateform Genetics,Molecular and Cellular Biology Evry Site
- M1 Plateform Genetics,Molecular and Cellular Biology Orsay Site
- M1 Plateform Genetics,Molecular and Cellular Biology Versailles Site
Medical curricula, taught mainly in French :
Courses taking place in France :
- M2 Fundamental Microbiology (taught in English ,the exams being presented and/or written in English or in French by the students, according to their preference)
- M2 Microbiology and Bioengineering (possibility to make a track entirely in English or in French, according to the panel of teaching units chosen by the student)
- M2 Infectious agents, host & environement interactions (Taught mainly in French)
- M2 Microbiology (bacteria, viruses, parasites) : Microbiota, pathogens & anti-infectious therapeutics (Taught mainly in French - This M2 is common to the Masters of "Life Sciences & Health" and "Pharmaceutical Sciences")
- Training taking place in Cambodia in partnership with the Pasteur Institute of Cambodia and the University of Health Sciences of Phnom Penh
- M2 « Infectiology: Biology of infectious Diseases »
Doctoral Schools of the Graduate School Life Sciences & Health attached to the Graduate Program Microbiology
- ED « Structure and dynamics of living systems » (SDSV, ED 577)
- ED « Oncology, Biology, Medicine, Health» (CBMS, ED 582)
- More than 25 Research Laboratories of which some Institutes and/or Departments are entirely focused on Microbiology and/or Virology (I2- Infection & Inflammation, I2BC- Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell, IDMIT- Infectious Diseases Models for Innovative Therapies, MICALIS- Food Microbiology at the Service of Health, VIM - Virology and Molecular Immunology) (GP10_Microbiology_LABOS)
- More than 100 Research teams or platforms studying prokaryotes (bacteria, archaea), eukaryotes (fungi, protists), viruses, unconventional infectious agents (prions), microbial communities, and/or their interactions with a host (GP10_Microbiology_TEAMS)
- The Graduate Program Microbiology is involved in several networks such as MICROBES, the EUR SPS Paris-Saclay (Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay) and/or the Research Collective SAPS (Animal Sciences Paris-Saclay).
The Teaching-Research-Innovation strengths of this Graduate Program are particularly involved in the following interdisciplinary initiatives:
- MICROBES (Center for Interdisciplinary Microbial Sciences @Paris-Saclay)
- LivingMachines@Work (Understanding the fundamental molecular mechanisms of life, innovating in Health and Biotechnology)
- ISIT (Institute for Research in Health and Therapeutic Innovation)
- METAHEALTH (Multidisciplinary federation based on an integrated vision of health including humans, animals, ecosystems and societal issues)
- Paris-Saclay INR-HAFE (Paris-Saclay Institute of Natural Resources for Health, Agriculture, Food and Environment)
Interdisciplinary initiatives Hospital – Research – University – Innovation:
- University Hospital Health Research (RHU) - RHU LUMIERE (LUng cancer & Microbiota Interactions for Imunotherapy Efficacy in REfractory patients), RHU RECORDS (Rapid recognition of corticosteroid sensitive or resistant sepsis);
- University Hospital Federations (FHU): FHU PACEMM (PAris CEnter for Microbiome Medicine);
- iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine competition)
iGEM is an international competition that was created by the prestigious MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to promote a new and growing discipline, synthetic biology. It has been held annually since 2004 in Boston, USA. Each iGEM team develops an ambitious project allowing it to win several prizes rewarding each aspect developed in the project as well as a gold medal crowning the whole project. It is a project that takes place over one year and ends in October during a big jamboree between all the teams of the world. About ten French teams take part in the competition (France is thus 3rd in Europe in terms of the number of iGEM teams), two of which are labelled Paris-Saclay: GO Paris-Saclay (GO for "Gif-Orsay") and Evry Paris-Saclay (on the Evry site).
The aim is to form a multidisciplinary team, in Life Sciences, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering Sciences, Law, Art, Philosophy, for example, from level L to M, which contributes to Research on a project that the team designs and carries out. Students can thus discover all the facets of project management, from its development in a team to its practical implementation (laboratory experiments carried out mainly during the summer), its financing, its communication and its integration into the socio-economic world. This competition is a unique pedagogical experience that represents a real asset in the students' curriculum. It also contributes to the team spirit and entrepreneurial spirit and cultivates the identity of the University Paris-Saclay, represented by the students in the international competition.
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