Graduate Program Immunology
The Graduate Program Immunology develops the multiple facets of Immunology in the field of Biology and Medicine. This Graduate program federates and coordinates the Master's degrees, doctoral schools and research teams at the University of Paris-Saclay in the field of Immunology. This disciplinary field covers the normal (i.e. anti-infectious and anti-cancer immunity) and pathological (e.g. autoimmunity, inflammatory diseases, allergies) development and functioning of the immune system. Immunology is a cross-cutting discipline that ranges from basic research to the application of this knowledge in medicine in diagnostic or therapeutic approaches. Immunology is involved in many fields of medicine through diseases of the immune system but also in the development of treatments such as immunotherapies (monoclonal antibodies, cell therapy), vaccination or organ transplants. Immunology extends its field of investigation, for example, to the study of the entire blood system (haematology) and associated haemopathies, infectious diseases, cancers and certain genetic diseases.
Covid19 News: A team of this Graduate Program is carrying one of the Research projects selected by the REACTing scientific board to fight against the Covid19 epidemic :
- Implementation of an experimental SARS-CoV-2 infection model in cynomolgus monkeys. Project leader: Roger Le Grand (Inserm, CEA, University of Paris-Saclay - National Infrastructure for Health Biology IDMIT)
In addition, 3 projects led by teams from the Immunology GP are funded as part of the COVID-19 Flash call launched by the ANR:
- AM-Cov-Path: Pathogenesis of SARS-Cov-2 infection in a non-human primate model: a model for treatment and prevention. Roger LE GRAND (UMR-S 1184 IMVA-HB, IDMIT, CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses)
- ICARE: Initial COVID-19-associated SARS-CoV-2 Cell Atlas and Response. Isabelle SCHWARTZ (UMR 0892 - Molecular Virology and Immunology - VIM, INRAe/UVSQ/UPSaclay - Jouy-en-Josas)
- SARS2BlockEntry: Construction of nano-lines to block the SARS-CoV-2 entry. Bernard DELMAS (UMR 0892 - Molecular Virology and Immunology - VIM, INRAe/UVSQ/UPSaclay - Jouy-en-Josas)
Keywords (alphabetical order) : Adaptive Immunity; Allergy; Antibodies; Autoimmunity; Biotherapies; Cancer; Chronic diseases; Immune Escape; Immunodeficiency; Immune system; Immunological memory; Immunotherapies; Immunosuppression; Infection; Inflammatory diseases; Innate Immunity; Hematology; Host-infectious agent interactions; Lymphocytes; Septic Shock; Systemic diseases; Transplantation; Tolerance; Vaccination
Master programs:
The Graduate Program Immunology proposes two Master programs. The M1/M2 "Immunology" program offers a complete disciplinary training in Immunology, from its fundamental concepts to applications in Healthcare. The M1/M2 "Host-graft" program specializes in the study of the host-graft relationship, extended to oncology through the study and modulation of immune interactions between host and tumor. These courses are open to scientific students, physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians and engineers.
Scientific Curriculum - Recommended platform of the Master Life Sciences & Health :
M1 platforms Physiology and pathophysiology (Taught mainly in French)
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Physiologie et Physiopathologie - Site Orsay
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Physiologie et Physiopathologie - Site Versailles
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Physiologie et Physiopathologie - Site Evry
M1 platforms Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology (Taught mainly in French)
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Génétique, Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire - Site Evry
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Génétique, Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire - Site Orsay
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme Génétique, Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire - Site Versailles
Medical curricula:
- M2 Immunologie
- M2 Relation Hôte-Greffon
- M2 « Infectiology: Biology of infectious Diseases » , training taking place in Cambodia in partnership with the Pasteur Institute of Cambodia and the University of Health Sciences of Phnom Penh
Doctoral Schools of the Graduate School Life Sciences & Health attached to the Graduate Program Immunology:
- ED « Signalling and integrative networks in biology» (BIOSIGNE, ED 568)
- ED « Oncology, Biology, Medicine, Health» (CBMS, ED 582)
- ED « Structure and dynamics of living systems » (SDSV, ED 577)
- ED « Therapeutic Innovation: from the Fundamental to the Applied» (ITFA, ED 569) qui comporte un pôle dédié à l’Immunologie
Research Forces of the Graduate Program Immunology:
- More than 20 Research Laboratories
- More than 30 Research teams or platforms
- The Graduate Program Immunology is included in the MICROBES Paris-Saclay network IRMIT Paris Saclay network and/or the research collective SAPS (Animal Sciences Paris-Saclay) whose aspects related to immunity, host-pathogen interaction and vaccination are developed in the framework of the development of new therapeutic and diagnostic approaches.
The Teaching-Research-Innovation strengths of this Graduate Program are particularly involved in the following interdisciplinary initiatives:
- ISIT (Institute for Research in Health and Therapeutic Innovation)
- MICROBES (Center for Interdisciplinary Microbial Sciences @Paris-Saclay)
- METAHEALTH (Multidisciplinary federation based on an integrated vision of health including humans, animals, ecosystems and societal issues)
Interdisciplinary initiatives Hospital – Research – University – Innovation:
- University Hospital Federation (FHU) CARE (Cancer and Autoimmune / inflammatory diseases Relationships)
- University Hospital Health Research (RHU) RECORDS (Rapid recognition of corticosteroid: resistant sepsis)