Graduate Program Genetics & Genomics
The Graduate Program Genetics & Genomics federates and coordinates the Master's degrees, doctoral schools and research teams at the University of Paris-Saclay in the fields of Genetics, Epigenetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics. This Graduate Program explores the support and dynamics of the genetic information, the molecular mechanisms involved in stability, the evolution and expression of genomes up to multi-model (prokaryotes, eukaryotes) and multi-scale integration, from cell to organism and at the spatio-temporal level, of large datasets (mass sequencing, high-throughput genotyping, proteomes, interactomes, metabolomes, phenomes). The aim of this Graduate Program is to generate an integrated vision of the genotype-phenotype relationship in normal or pathological situations, and to develop applications of this knowledge in Biotechnology and Health (cancers, monogenic diseases, diseases with complex characteristics, infectious diseases).
Keywords (alphabetical order) : 3R (Replication, Repair, Recombination); Adaptation; Allele; Analysis; Annotation; Big Data; Bioethics; Bioinformatics; Biotechnology, Cancer; Chromatin ; Chromosome architecture; Complex and multifactorial genetics; Data sciences; Development; Digital genomics; Diversity; Dynamics; Evolution; Evolutionary biology; Experimental models; Epigenetics; Epigenomics; Epitranscriptomics; Exomes; Fingerprinting; Genes; Genetics; Genetic diseases; Genetic engineering; Genetic information; Genetic tools; Genome ; Genome editing; Genomics; Genotyping; Heredity; Heredity; Imaging; Interactomes; Metagenomics; Methylome; Mobile genetic elements; Mobilome; Molecular biology; Modeling; Mutants ; Nucleoid; NGS (next-generation sequencing); Personalized medicine Phenotype-genotype relationship; Polymorphism; Population genomics; Program; Screening; Sequencing; Single cell; Structure-Function; Susceptibility; Therapies; Transcriptome; Transmission; Variants; Veterinary sciences
Master programs
The Graduate Genetics & Genomics proposes 3 Master programs, each offering a solid training in the fields of Genetics and Genomics, while specializing students in a specific field such as Epigenetics and Big Data Anlysis (Genetics, Genomics, Epigenetics & Evolution / GENE2), Microbiology (M2 Fundamental Microbiology / FM), or the exploration of eukaryotic models from cell to organism (M2 Gene, Cell, Development / GCD).
Scientific curricula, recommended platforms:
M1 platforms Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology (for the 3 courses - Taught mainly in French)
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme génétique, biologie moléculaire et celluaire -Site Evry
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme génétique, biologie moléculaire et celluaire -Site Orsay
- M1 Biologie-Santé - Plateforme génétique, biologie moléculaire et celluaire -Site Versailles
M1 International track in France (in English, for the 3 courses)
M1 platforms Microbiology (for the FM et GENE2 courses - Taught mainly in French)
- M1 Biologie Santé - Plateforme microbiologie -Site Orsay
- M1 Biologie Santé - Plateforme microbiologie -Site Versailles
M1 platforms Physiology and pathophysiology (only for the GCD course - Taught mainly in French)
- M1 Biologie Santé - Plateforme physiologie et physiopathologie - Site Orsay
- M1 Biologie Santé - Plateforme physiologie et physiopathologie - Site Versailles
- M1 Biologie Santé - Plateforme physiologie et physiopathologie - Site Evry
Medical curricula (for the 3 courses- Taught mainly in French)
- M2 Gene, Cell, Development (taught in english )
- M2 Genetics, Genomics, Epigenetics & Evolution (taught in english )
- M2 Fundamental Microbiology (in English , the exams being presented and/or written in English or in French by the students, according to their preference)
Doctoral Schools of the Graduate School Life Sciences & Health attached to the Graduate Program Genetics & Genomics
- ED « Structure and dynamics of living systems » (SDSV, ED 577)
- ED « Signalling and integrative networks in biology» (BIOSIGNE, ED 568)
- ED « Oncology, Biology, Medicine, Health» (CBMS, ED 582)
- ED « Agriculture, Food, Biology, Environment, Health » (ABIES, ED 581)
- ED « Plant sciences: from genes to ecosystems» (SEVE, ED 567)
Research Forces of the Graduate Program Genetics & Genomics
- More than 30 Research Laboratories
- More than 140 Research teams or platforms exploring representative models of the entire tree of Life (microorganisms, viruses, plants, animals, humans).
- The Graduate Program Genetics & Genomics includes Research and Training forces belonging to the networks 3D-Chrome (3D-CHRomosome-Organization: from single Molecule to Evolution), MICROBES Paris-Saclay, PsayCompBio, EUR SPS Paris-Saclay (Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay) and/or the Research collective SAPS (Animal Sciences Paris-Saclay).
Contact List of the Research Teams
The Teaching-Research-Innovation strengths of this Graduate Program are particularly involved in the following interdisciplinary initiatives:
- LivingMachines@Work (Understanding the fundamental molecular mechanisms of life, innovating in Health and Biotechnology)
- MICROBES (Center for Interdisciplinary Microbial Sciences @Paris-Saclay)
- METAHEALTH (Multidisciplinary federation based on an integrated vision of health including humans, animals, ecosystems and societal issues)
- ISIT (Institute for Research in Health and Therapeutic Innovation)
Digital Genomic Institute (Institut de génomique numérique): Institute project located on the Evry site dedicated to the development of specific multidisciplinary know-how for the numerical/mathematical analysis of biological data from high-throughput sequencing approaches.
iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine competition):
- iGEM ( is an international competition that was created by the prestigious MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to promote a new and growing discipline, synthetic biology. It has been held annually since 2004 in Boston, USA. Each iGEM team develops an ambitious project allowing it to win several prizes rewarding each aspect developed in the project as well as a gold medal crowning the whole project. It is a project that takes place over one year and ends in October during a big jamboree between all the teams of the world. About ten French teams take part in the competition (France is thus 3rd in Europe in terms of the number of iGEM teams), two of which are labelled Paris-Saclay: GO Paris-Saclay (GO for "Gif-Orsay") and Evry Paris-Saclay (on the Evry site). The aim is to form a multidisciplinary team, in Life Sciences, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering Sciences, Law, Art, Philosophy, for example, from level L to M, which contributes to Research on a project that the team designs and carries out. Students can thus discover all the facets of project management, from its development in a team to its practical implementation (laboratory experiments carried out mainly during the summer), its financing, its communication and its integration into the socio-economic world. This competition is a unique pedagogical experience that represents a real asset in the students' curriculum. It also contributes to the team spirit and entrepreneurial spirit and cultivates the identity of the University Paris-Saclay, represented by the students in the international competition.
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