Evolutionary Biology Présentation

The Graduate Program Evolutionary Biology federates and coordinates the Master's degrees, doctoral schools and research teams at the University of Paris-Saclay in the field of Evolution, from understanding the fundamental processes behind the evolution of populations and species to the development of an integrated and dynamic vision of the living world. This Graduate Program has numerous fields of application such as varietal selection, biodiversity preservation, epidemiology and predictive medicine. Anchored in Biology but at the interface with other disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science, this Graduate Program explores the question of evolutionary forces, from the origin of Life to the emergence of living systems with "new" properties.

Keywords (alphabetical order) : Adaptation; Biodiversity; Coevolution; Directed evolution; Domestication; Eco-epidemiology; Emergence; Endosymbiosis; Epigenetics; Evolutionary biology; Evolution and plasticity of cognitive abilities; Experimental evolution; Genetic drift; Genome dynamics; Genomics; Global changes; Horizontal transmission; Interactions; Mobile genetic elements; Natural evolution; Natural selection; Modeling; Origins of Life; Quantitative genetics; Phylogeny; Phylogeography; Populations; Population genetics; Phenotype-genotype relationship; Sex selection; Speciation; Transitions; Tree of Life; Vertical transmission

Master programs

The Graduate Program Evolutionary Biology offers a Master program entitled " Genetics, Genomics, Epigenetics & Evolution" (GENE2).

For more information

Research Forces of the Graduate Program Evolutionary Biology

  • More than 10 Research Laboratories, three of which (EGCE, ESE, GQE) make up the Institute of Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of Life (IDEEV)
  • More than 30 Research teams or platforms
  • The Graduate Program Evolutionary Biology is involved in several networks such as MICROBES, the EUR SPS Paris-Saclay (Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay) and/or the SAPS research collective (Animal Sciences Paris-Saclay), whose evolutionary approaches to the living world are supported in all major fields (archaea, bacteria and eukaryotes). This support includes in particular the adaptation of species in response to anthropogenic modifications of the environment.

Contact list of the Research Teams

The Teaching-Research-Innovation strengths of this Graduate Program are particularly involved in the following interdisciplinary initiatives:

  • MICROBES (Center for Interdisciplinary Microbial Sciences @Paris-Saclay)
  • C-BASC (Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Biodiversity, Agrosystems, Society and Climate) and the REUNIS network
  • LivingMachines@Work (Understanding the fundamental molecular mechanisms of life, innovating in Health and Biotechnology)
  • METAHEALTH (Multidisciplinary federation based on an integrated vision of health including humans, animals, ecosystems and societal issues)
  • BrainViews (Towards an integrated view of normal and pathological brain function - from cell to brain)