EUGLOH opportunities for PhD students

The EUGLOH alliance of European universities offers PhD students many training opportunities, which can be validated and recognized within the framework of their disciplinary education or credited in their cross-cutting skills. The training courses offered by EUGLOH are provided in English in a variety of formats: summer schools, workshops, series of pedagogical or scientific conferences, etc.

All PhD students of EUGLOH, regardless of their field of research, can benefit from the doctoral courses provided by EUGLOH, or become involved in its activities.

Discover EUGLOH  Training opportunities  Validate your training

Become an active player of EUGLOH  Advantages


EUGLOH brings together five major European universities of research: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (Germany), Lund University (Sweden), Porto University (Portugal), Szeged University (Hungary), and Université Paris-Saclay (coordinator).

Together, they give students of all levels and from any field, as well as their academic and administrative staff, access to virtual and physical campuses throughout Europe, as well as experts in a variety of areas of research.


EUGLOH training opportunities

The training activities provided by EUGLOH are the opportunity for PhD students not only to increase their knowledge in a given topic, all the while benefitting from the expertise of international specialists, but also to exchange with peers from different curricula and cultures, and to develop their professional skills. Mostly interdisciplinary, EUGLOH training courses are the perfect opportunity to develop ties with researchers and teacher-researchers from the 5 universities which could, in turn, lead to post-doctoral research positions at one of the member universities.

Find out more about the training activities offered by the Alliance on the EUGLOH website.

Validating your cross-cutting or disciplinary doctoral education

All PhD students of Université Paris-Saclay, from all areas of research, can validate their cross-cutting or disciplinary doctoral education by following a training activity provided by EUGLOH.

  1. Find the EUGLOH activity you are interested in on the EUGLOH Website. You can also register to the bimonthly newsletter to stay up to date on available training opportunities.
  2. Contact your doctoral school to get its agreement in principle by sending them the link and / or the training programme.
  3. Once your doctoral school has given its consent, you can register to the activity by following the defined procedure.
  4. At the end of the activity, the organizer of the course will give you a certificate of participation to pass on to your doctoral school. This course will then be added to your doctoral education portfolio (ADUM education profile, visible by recruiters after your thesis defence).

Become an active player of EUGLOH!

Students of all levels, as well as academic and administrative staff, are at the heart of EUGLOH. You too can actively contribute to the actions of the European University:

  • Become a member of the Student Board: projects can be developed in the following areas: training and/or research, development of professional skills, campus life, promotion of the EUGLOH alliance and its research activities... Contact the representatives of the Student Board:
  • Actively contribute to the organisation of events with members of EUGLOH and European partners: student conferences, workshops on the H2020 EUGLOHRIA research project, Alliance Day, etc.

Your involvement can also be recognized within your PhD as a cross-cutting skill, after discussion with your doctoral school. Contact Eric Cassan ( for more information.

The European University EUGLOH enables you to

  • Complete your PhD with the European label
  • Deepen your knowledge in one or several fields
  • Contribute to the construction of Europe
  • Enrich your CV and develop your skills to be more attractive on the labour market
  • Develop your scientific, professional and personal network throughout Europe

Advantages and benefits of EUGLOH

  • Get the "European Doctorate" label: To get the European Doctorate label, you must spend at least 3 months within a country of the European Union. If you choose to carry out a research stay within one of the university members of EUGLOH, you may benefit from support to get in touch with a team from one of our partners. Contact your thesis supervisor and Eric Cassan. More information about the label
  • Deepen your knowledge in a variety of cross-cutting topics linked to the challenges of today (public health, climatic change, ...) and benefit from the expertise of international specialists: EUGLOH gives you access to numerous scientific and cross-cutting training opportunities, recognised within your degree (ECTS, …)
  • Develop your professional and cross-cutting skills (interculturality, scientific writing in English, public presentations, ...) and enrich your CV
  • Develop your professional and scientific network: EUGLOH enables you to meet teacher-researchers and students of the 5 campuses, and gives you access to over 1,000 labs, to local ecosystems in France, Germany, Sweden, Hungary and Portugal, and to cutting-edge equipment
  • Develop projects and activities with students and staff of the 5 campuses: EUGLOH offers you many opportunities to get involved (ambassador programme, member of the student board, communication, coordination, …)
  • Benefit from a unique international and European experience, travel throughout Europe physically or from home, and share your culture and the values of the EU


For any question on the training opportunities offered by the alliance, contact:

For any other question, contact:

EUGLOHRIA Research Project

You are a researcher, a teacher or a student from Paris-Saclay, a business, a public entity, an association , a European citizen: this project could be for you.

European University Alliance For

“European Doctorate” Label

The "European Doctorate" or "Doctor Europaeus" label is awarded by Université Paris-Saclay. It applies to the national doctoral diploma, which is already recognised internationally under the L.M.D