Endocrinology, Biosignaling, Metabolism & Physiology

The Graduate Program Endocrinology, Biosignaling, Metabolism & Physiology federates and coordinates the Master's degrees, doctoral schools and research teams at the University of Paris-Saclay University in the fields of cell signaling, endocrinology, metabolism and animal and human physiology. This Graduate Program develops the multiple facets of the study of signalling and homeostasis to generate an integrated vision, from the molecule to the organism, of the mechanisms at work in the homeostasis of major physiological functions with a view to developing therapeutic approaches in Medicine and Veterinary Sciences.

Keywords (alphabetical ordre) : Animal models; Bioactive compounds; Cancer; Cardiovascular system; Electrophysiology; Endocrinology; Hemostasis; Homeostasis; Hypophysis; Lactation; Medicine; Metabolism; Neuroendocrinology; Nutrition; Physiology; Physiopathology; Probes; Pulmonary system; Regulation; Reproduction; Signalling; Therapy; Thyroid; Veterinary sciences

Master programs

The Graduate Program Endocrinology, Biosignaling, Metabolism & Physiology offers 2 Master programs, one focused on "Endocrinology and Metabolism", the second on "Cell Signaling & Integrative Neurosciences". These programs are open to scientific students, doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians and/or engineers, depending on the training courses.

Research Forces of the Graduate Program Endocrinology, Biosignaling, Metabolism & Physiology

  • More than 20 Research Laboratories
  • More than 40 Research teams or platforms
  • The Graduate Program Endocrinology, Biosignaling, Metabolism & Physiology includes research forces that are part of the SAPS (Animal Sciences Paris-Saclay) research collective and part of the laboratories and teams of the Labex LERMIT community that became the ISIT (Institute for Research in Health and Therapeutic Innovation).

Contact List of the Research Teams

The Teaching-Research-Innovation strengths of this Graduate Program are particularly involved in the following interdisciplinary initiatives :

  • ISIT (Institute for Research in Health and Therapeutic Innovation)
  • METAHEALTH (Multidisciplinary federation based on an integrated vision of health including humans, animals, ecosystems and societal issues)

Interdisciplinary initiatives Hospital – Research – University – Innovation: